Part 7

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Wanda was right, It was her. A dark, twisted version of her. The women had a menacing aura of power around her as she scanned over the group of heroes. "I am Doctor Strange. Who are you and what is your business here?" Dr. Strange says taking action.
 "I am The Scarlet Witch. I am here in search of two people" The other Wanda says her voice echoing with seriousness and power. "and who exactly are you looking for?" Dr. Strange says as he prepares for an attack in case she became violent. "A man By the name Pietro Maximoff, and another by the name Vision. Take me to them and no harm will come to this world" She says making it sound way too much like a threat. Wanda; this world's Wanda, stepped forward.
 "They're dead." She says with a heavy heart as she looks at her mirror image. The others' rage shook the ground as her head tilted to one side, red energy growing all around her.
 "Something tells me you shouldn't have said that.." Loki mutters. "Then this world will die for them." The Scarlet Witch says before causing a wave of red fog to flow through the parking lot. When the fog cleared she was gone. There was a pretty much collective sigh.
"Alright. Looks like we have a witch to find" Bucky says.
"Everyone take watches around the city, keep each other posted. and keep an eye out for.. magical stuff" Carol says. Dr. Strange nods "Let everyone know the moment you find something strange." he adds. Loki smirks, it was amusing, all of the jokes he could make off of the doctor's last name.
"Let's go then" Bruce says. "I come out here in the cramped car and no were going on a literal witch hunt." Sam grumbles walking back to the car.

   Everyone went their own ways, Leaving Loki and Dr. Strange alone. "Well. I suppose it's back to the sanctum then" Loki says. He was a bit disappointed that his plan with the portal ended up being a flop.
 "Not quite." Dr. Strange says walking over to where the rift was. Loki raised an eyebrow but didn't comment as he followed. Internally he knew he could easily run away. The others were all distracted. It would be easy, But something was stopping him. Something was pulling him to stay and see what would happen. Loki had no idea why. He had no good reason to stay, Right? It's not like he had any friends, no one would care all that much if he disappeared. Well no one besides Thor. But all the while something inside him told him he should stay and see where this new chapter in his life will lead. That was until his mind started going numb. Loki's breath hitched. He knew this feeling all too well. Someone was trying to take control of his mind. "give in~" A woman's voice whispered in his mind. He winced as he tried to fight back. "Give, In~" The voice repeated, the words echoing in his mind. "Loki? Are you alright?" Dr. Strange asks, noticing his pain. "Yes, I'm fine," Loki says. He was trying to tell him what was wrong but he couldn't. It was too late, all he could do was watch as his body moved and spoke for him. "Everything is fine. Just a little sore from everything." He spoke as if nothing was wrong. "We should take you back to the sanctum then, you need rest" Dr. Strange says with a hint of concern in his voice. Loki was feeling light headed. "that may be a good idea.." he says, still not in control. Dr. Strange nodded, But before he had a chance to make a portal Loki fainted. "Loki?" Dr. Strange says barely catching him in time before he hits the ground. "shit-'' Stephen cursed under his breath as he scooped Loki up in his arms to take him through a portal to the sanctum.

   The next thing he knew Loki was standing in a dark void.
 "Hello Loki'' Scarlet Witch says. Loki turned around to see her standing in the void along with him. "What are you doing with me?" He asks. "Straight to business I see?" She says with a smirk, disappearing in a second. "Well you didn't approach me in the most diplomatic way" He says fake apologetically as he looks around to find her. "My apologies for that. But it's not like I could get you alone with those so called heroes breathing down your neck" She says appearing behind him for a moment breathing down his neck as she spoke. Loki stepped away turning to face her "What are you trying to do?" He asks, eyes narrowing. Only for her smirk to grow as she disappeared again. "I have met countless incarnations of you Loki." She spoke, her voice echoing from the endless abyss. Leaving Loki looking around aimlessly. "Some were good. Some were evil." She continued as visions of Loki from other realities appeared all around. "Some became Heroes, greater than anyone, some became Kings." Scarlet Witch says. The visions showing triumphant victories, mirror images of Loki sitting in thrones, but then they shifted to much darker things. "Some fell, Some died, Some met fates worse than death." She says revealing herself standing in front of Loki. "but there was one thing they all had in common." Loki was confused what this all was about "and what is that?" he asks. "A genius tactical mind, you have always had a knack for finding a way out no matter how many times you lose." Scarlet Witch explains. "So that's what this is. You want me to help you" Loki scoffs. "Oh you're going to help me, whether you want to or not. But I will give you a chance to help me willingly" she says. "And what makes you think I'll help you?" Loki sneers. "I can give you something no one else can." She says with a smirk stepping towards him "I can give you your mother back" Loki's eyes went wide. "Not only that, for I can give you an empire. You can rule entire universes, be in control of it all. Have everything you could ever dream of" She continues. "All you have to do is help me" The woman ads with a smile of faux innocence. There is a knock at the door. "Better get back to the real world, the sorcerer is checking in on you. I shall leave you to think about my offer." Scarlet Witch says with a wave as she walks away into the darkness. And with that she was gone. Leaving Loki confused, shaken, but slightly intrigued.

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