Part 11

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Loki teleported to the warehouse. How did he know where it was? His knives told him. And how did he teleport there? The knives give him the ability to do so. They had many names but currently they went by Vita and Mortem.

"We're getting close, we must hurry. I can sense He's In danger." Vita says. Although no one else could, Loki could hear her perfectly.

"Through that room, There'll be a passageway leading to where they are." Mortem directs. Loki smirks following the knives instructions. Just as Mortem said through the room was the hallway, and on the other side fighting could be heard .

It could hardly be called a fight. Wanda was targeted and knocked out almost instantly. Carol didn't last much longer. Bucky was forced to regroup with Dr. Strange who had managed to find where the Scarlet Witch was. She was floating high in the air in this big room, she appeared to be meditating, her eyes closed, but her minions were on the attack. They were forced into a corner with minimal cover. Taking blasts from all sides. Stephen created a shield with his magic, but it wouldn't last forever. Bucky could only do so much, being magical copies, they could just disappear and reappear to avoid his attacks.

"We gotta think of something Strange" Bucky says trying to look for a way out. "I am well.. Aware of that-" Dr. Strange says, straining to keep up the barrier. Suddenly there's a blast of gold energy from the hallway and the echo of his voice could be heard as Loki stepped into the room.

"Is that all you got?" "Loki?" Stephen questions in shock, his eyes widen as he looks down and sees the knives. Loki glanced at him and smirks, before promptly starting to kick ass. Each bullet of energy that was shot at him he deflected, or rather the knives did, And each time they got close enough with one slash of the blades Loki had defeated another copy. Soon enough all of the copies were focused on Loki. Bucky smirks 

"You did not tell me he was useful" he says looking to Stephen 

"I didn't know if he would be willing to help" Stephen says as he watches Loki in slight amazement. He shakes his head to regain composer. "You get the others to safety, I believe me and Loki have this covered." Dr. Strange says as he flies up into the air. Bucky nodded and got to work.

Loki had the biggest grin on his face that he has had in a long time as he fought off the witch copies.

"woo! this is so fun we really got to this more often!" Vita says. Loki laughs using Vita's blade to stab a copy right in the head. 


"Now who exactly are you talking too?" Stephen asks landing next to Loki as he hits another copy with a disk of magic. 

"Not even a thank you, really?" Loki says as the fight continues. Dr. Strange sighs, stopping a copy that was about to hit Loki from behind. Loki was turning at that moment and the two of them ended up face to face holding eye contact with one another. 

"Thank you" Stephen says sincerely. Loki grins "You're welcome, now let's get this over with." Stephen nodded. Partially to remind himself not to get distracted. He's never seen Loki smile like that until now.

The two of them fight side by side and eventually succeed in their goal. As Loki fights off the remaining copies, Dr. Strange turns his focus to The Scarlet Witch herself. Circles of magic appear above and below her in casing her in a column of energy. The remaining copies fade to dust. 

"Now, this is only temporary, we'll need to take her to somewhere more secure." 

"well then we better do so quickly." Loki says looking over at him. 

"Indeed. But when we get home you're explaining the knives" Stephen says sternly as he goes to make a portal to leave. Loki just rolls his eyes 

"and Loki?" 


"Thank you. We wouldn't have gotten out of there if you didn't show up" Loki brushed it off looking away 

"just don't make do it again-" Stephen chuckles 

"I will do my best"

The Scarlet Witch is locked up in a holding cell that was really just an empty room that Dr. Strange had enchanted to hold her inside with magical chains. Loki locked the door when Stephen had finished. 

"And now we don't have to worry about her till morning.'' Stephen nodded 

"Why don't we head upstairs. We have some things to discuss." He said going up stairs. Loki sighs following him. 

"I don't see how this is a big deal." He mutters. 

"Well, I'll enlighten you then. This sanctum is full of magical artifacts that are all under my protection." Stephen explains. "Those knives are one of the few items I don't know much about." 

"They're spirits,'' Loki says. Dr. Strange raised an eyebrow. 

"The blades. Each of them holds a spirit. One's name is Vita, the other Mortem" 

"How do you know this?" Stephen asks. 

"They told me." 

"They told you? You're saying the verbally spoke to you?" Loki nodded 

"Yes, and currently they won't shut up-" he says with a hint of irritation. Loki sighs "they talk to me though a sort of mental link, that's how I found them. They led me to where they were. They also gave me the ability to teleport and find you." He explains. 

"I see." Dr. Strange says thoughtfully. 

"Well then. If they are truly sentient as you say, I suppose they are yours to keep at least for now." 

"Really?- er. I mean obviously yes. It's good that you realize that." Loki says. Stephen laughs softly. Loki then looks puzzled. 

"Is something wrong?" Stephen asks. 

"No- no they're arguing again." Loki says. "You two are insufferable, sometimes you know that?" he says, pulling out the knives. Stephen was just confused at this point and wasn't sure how to comment. "Okay okay" Loki says, putting the knives down but the moment he did all of the tiredness and aching from before came back and he fell. Luckily Stephen was there to catch him in time. 

"Loki? Loki are you alright?" and with that. "No" was all Loki could say before he passed out.

A Second Chance Book 1Where stories live. Discover now