Part 6

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The ground started trembling.

"What's going On sorcerer?" Loki snaps at Stephen.

"It's Doctor, and I don't know. But he we need to move away Now" Dr. Strange says before leading the others away. They got a good distance away and it came to a stop.

"okay- what is going on?" Spider-Man asks.

"its opening, the portal will go off any moment." Dr. Strange explains.

"the others better get here soon or I'm gonna-" Carol starts to speak but stops for a car pulls up.

"Well would you look at that. Perfect timing" Loki says with a smirk. Dr. Strange smiles slightly. This Loki noticed. He smiled at his joke? Maybe Dr. Strange wasn't so bad after all. Out of the car came Wanda out of the front seat, Sam and Bucky out of the back seats and Bruce out of the front.

"how did he even get in there?" Loki mutters.

"I have no idea" Dr. Strange whispers so only Loki could hear him. Loki almost properly smiles at that, though it was more of  a smirk. Wanda was not in the best mood

"This better be worth it" she mumbles.

"You're telling me." Sam says with just as much attitude. Bucky just rolls his eyes not in the best mood himself,

"Could you three maybe calm down? Just a little bit maybe?" Bruce asks. Dr. strange walks over

"well you sure took your time getting here" he says.

"Yeah, Sorry about the hold up Dr. Strange. We're all here now. well who I could get together anyway." Bruce says.

"oh and Thor is in the back but, he's asleep." Sam says.

"No I'm not" Thor's voice boomed from the back of the car. "I am currently just.. um, stuck" Bruce, Sam, Bucky and Wanda all sigh. Loki stiffens at the mention of his brother. "what's he doing here?" Bruce asks nervously nodding towards Loki.

"He's with me. And currently we need all the help we can get" Steven explains. Sam and Bucky reluctantly go to help Thor.

"So, what exactly do you need us to do Doctor?" Wanda asks.

"actually" Dr. Strange looks to Wanda. "for now I believe you can provide the most assistance" he explains. Wanda nods

"okay. I'll see what I can do." she says . Her and Dr. Strange walk towards the rift, him explaining what he knew.

"oh. my god- You're- You're..!" Spider-Man gasps finally putting two and two together.

"yup. I'm the Hulk, that's me" Bruce says with a friendly smile and a shrug.

"no. well yes you are, but.. that's not what I meant, You're Dr. Banner. I'm a huge fan of your work! your essays, your research. I did a paper on you last spring!" Spider-Man says very much fanboying.

"oh-" Bruce didn't know how to respond to that, luckily Peter could talk enough for the both of them.
Loki wasn't paying attention, much to busy glaring daggers at Dr. Strange and this woman who he did not know that had shown up. He didn't know why, but he didn't like her. Loki was so busy being angry that he didn't immediately notice Thor was now next to him.

"hello brother" he says with a sigh.

"someone's in a sour mood" Thor says with a chuckle.

"forgive me for not being chipper in my current situation." Loki grumbled his eye's not leaving Dr. Strange and Wanda.

"something tells me living with the wizard hasn't gone well" Thor says.

"what?- no." Loki sighs. As the brothers talked Dr. Strange was showing Wanda how she could help. Guiding her through spells she didn't understand, and explaining everything.

"I wouldn't call being held there against my will "living with him"." Loki says with a scowl finally looking away from the two of them.

"Oh it can't be that bad'' Thor insists

"well- I suppose it is better then the alternative" Loki mused.

"hey that's the spirit brother" Thor says with a smile. Loki just sighed and shook his head. He could barely keep up with everything. Loki could barely even keep up with his own mind right now and his brother wasn't exactly helping.

A moment or two later Dr. Strange and Wanda start walking to get to a safe distance from the rift.

"Alright, I believe we have stabilized the rift for now-" Dr. Strange says.

"Which means no more earthquakes right?" Carol asks,

"Oh hello Carol" Thor says with a smile and a wave. Carol smiles a bit and nods at Thor acknowledging his greeting.

"Well. No, but they won't be near as big I hope" Stephen explains.

"Well that's good. Now we just have to wait for the rift or portal to open" Bruce says.

"Do we have any idea of what's gonna come outta that thing?" Sam asks.

"No. We don't but I'm sure we can handle it. and if we're lucky who or whatever it is will be peaceful" Dr. Strange. Loki didn't think that was a very high possibility. Unless the person or thing making that portal was trying to escape from something they were going to mean bad news.

"do we have any idea where the portal is being made from?" Bruce asks.

"from my research I believe that it is from a different reality" Steven says.

"cool" Spider-Man thinks out loud from his place on top of a lamppost earning himself looks from just about everyone. Besides Loki who just smirks.

"I mean uh- dangerous and serious. yeah- that's what I meant" he says awkwardly.

"For now. all we can do is wait, but I'm sure it won't be long-" Dr. Strange speaks only to be cut short when the earth starts to shake. The rift started getting bigger, glowing with red energy.

"Get down!" Stephen says as he realized what was about to happen. The rift ruptured causing a mini explosion and a shock wave of magical energy. When the smoke cleared, a women with glowing red eyes, clothed in red and black could be seen hovering above the ground. She was humanoid. A mane of fiery orange hair went all the way down her back, her pale face framed with a black crown studded with red crystals.

"It can't be-" Dr. Strange mutters as he gains he bearings.

"Who is that?" Loki says as he gets up. Wanda was looking wide eyed at the women.

"It's me"

A Second Chance Book 1Where stories live. Discover now