Part 3

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Of course. While discussing what to do with the threat that is Loki, they all left the man or threat in question completely unattended and he had managed an escape. It was quite idiotic of them actually, he was an expert at getting out of things one way or another. The dark haired man walked out of the building into the crowded messy streets of New York "Well, looks like today is my lucky day" Loki mutters under his breath with a smirk. He had already disguised himself in Midgardian clothes; So now all there was to do was get as far away as possible from the avengers and find a good place to lay low for a while. As Loki walked, he discovered the perfect plan, the underground rail system. It would take him miles away and keep him completely out of the avengers sight. Problems only arose when he found out how he had to get on the underground train. These short walls were in the way, and the only way though was to use a flat sort of key to make these bars rotate to let you through. Sure it was slightly confusing, but it was nothing Loki couldn't handle. He simply smirked softly as he walked with the crowd, and when it came his turn with a bit of magic and some slight of hand he was on the other side. He got on the train without any other issues, blending in with the crowd on the train bound somewhere he had no idea where was. All he knew it would be farther from the avengers, and that's what mattered. Loki knew they would search for him, and he doubted they would give up very quickly but he had bought himself some time. Or so he thought.

   Dr. Strange was walking up to Loki's cell, trying to decide how he would do this. Could he convince Loki to come willingly and peacefully? Or would he have to bring him by force? Well obviously he would try peace first, he was trying to reform him. He took a breath before walking to Loki's cell 

"Loki?" he froze, he was gone and the door was open. "..dammit" he curses under his breath.
Dr. Strange storms down stairs. "Loki escaped." he said simply. Tony was in the middle of pouring himself a drink setting his cup down with a clink. 

"you have got to be kidding me" he said looking utterly exhausted. 

"I went up there and he was not there, and the door was open, so no. I'm not kidding." Steven says having zero patience for Tony's sarcasm, so he wasn't even going to wait for the others. "I'm handling it'' He went right out of the room going to leave the building. Of course they left him unattended, he should have astral projected to watch him or something. He scanned the streets of New York for any suspicious activity, not finding Loki anywhere. He knew the only way to find him would be to use magic, so he went to the sanctum unaware that Loki was soon to be found, by someone he didn't know.

   Loki stayed on the train till the robotic voice said it was the end of the line. He stepped out of the train not knowing where he was, only knowing it was called Queens. His get away was going better than he thought it would. That was until a red and blue blur zipped by him nearly knocking him over as he walked down the street.

 "Sorry mister!" A young boy's voice echoes from the weird blur. It came to a stop on top of a building. Loki looked up at the boy seeing that he looked much to like the heroes he was currently avoiding so just glared continuing on his way. Spider-man, the one who swung by Loki was confused by the sight of this man. He knew just about everyone who lived in his part of Queens, and had a list of the suspicious ones. This guy wasn't only suspicious, but also unknown. So of course he was gonna keep an eye on him. Loki was so focused on finding somewhere to stay that he didn't realize he was being followed. He sighed softly, the sun was setting and he had no midgardian money so he had no way to get a room to stay in. At least not that was somewhere comfortable. Spider-man was really confused by this guy, but when it started to get dark he knew he had to get home. He made a mental note to look for the suspicious man tomorrow and went home. That would mean bad things for Loki. Very bad things.

   It had been hours now. Dr. Strange knew it would be at least a little difficult to find Loki but he didn't think it would be as hard as it was turning out to be. It was clear now that had Loki used many spells to hide himself from being tracked by magic. But Stephen wasn't going to just give up. Not only was Loki to dangerous on his own devices, but he was still weak and it was possible for him to get badly injured. Normally Dr. Strange wouldn't care about this, but Loki was technically his patient now and he believed Thor. There was good in Loki, and for the good of the him and the universe Stephen was gonna find it. But first he had to actually find Loki. He took a breath trying to track him once again. Blue rings of magic appear around his arms as he focuses, reading the instructions in the book to insure he was doing it right even though he knew he was; for he had memorized the entire book. Finally, after hours he had gotten a location. 

"What in the hell are you doing in Queens Loki?" Stephen asks under his breath before making a portal to Queens. His eyes widened as he stepped out of the portal to see Loki, but not at all in the state he wanted to see him. Loki was on the ground in an alleyway, bleeding out, a knife lodged in his side.

 "just couldn't leave me alone could you?" he said with a smirk, his face having gone three shades more pale from the blood loss. 

 "dammit- Loki what did you do?" Dr. strange says kneeling next to him to examine the wound. Loki chuckled weakly a smirk still on his face. 

 "why would you care?" he mutters with a slight cough. 

 "I am a doctor Loki. It's my job" Stephen said helping Loki up weather he wanted it or not. Loki didn't have a choice in the matter, so he didn't fight back as Dr. Strange took him through the portal to the sanctum. Steven took him to a room in the sanctum and called Wong for assistance. Loki ended up passing out, but he would live which was a relief to Dr. Strange. He found Loki, and kept him alive. Now all there was to wait till morning and try to reason with him. That couldn't be too hard. Could it?

A Second Chance Book 1Where stories live. Discover now