Part 16

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 The group continued to talk and ended up getting drinks. Thor ended up telling Loki about different alcoholic beverages he had tried. Loki believed that his brother knew far to much on the subject. The lot of them actually managed to get along pretty well, and Loki didn't feel completely out of place witch was refreshing. But of course it got late. And a few of them got far too drunk for Loki and Stephen's taste so the two went back to the sanctum. 

"See. That wasn't so bad now was it?" Stephen said as the portal closed. 

"No. I suppose it wasn't." Loki mutters adjusting his cuffs. Something that Stephen had noticed to be a nervous habit of his. 

"Oh just admit you enjoyed yourself. You and Barnes seemed to get along rather well." 

"Well yes, he was less irritating then the others." Loki mused. Stephen gave him a look which caused Loki to finally smile. "I'm kidding." Stephen sighed and shook his head. He would have seemed annoyed if it weren't for the fond smile that had found its way to his lips. 

 "You are insufferable sometimes you know that?" Loki smirked 

"Sure, but it's much better then being alone now isn't it sorcerer?" 

 "I suppose it is" Stephen spoke softly turning towards Loki. The two made eye contact and the world seemed to be still for only a moment. Loki quickly turned away. 

"Well.. It's rather late. I'm going to retire for the evening. Good night sorcerer." He said before making a quick exist to his room before Stephen had any chance at a response. Stephen was highly confused but decided not to question it for now. He could always ask Loki about in the morning so he went off to bed.

Morning came and went. Stephen going about his normal work around the sanctum. But something felt off, Loki hadn't left his room all day. Which was strange, especially since he was incredibly cranky in the mornings before he had a cup of tea and breakfast. Of course Stephen was concerned. He and Loki were friends now after all. Normally he would let Loki have his privacy, but he had a terrible feeling something was wrong. So he went up to the door, and knocked. 

"Loki? Are you awake. It's almost noon" Stephen received no response which worried him even more. He tried to open the door to find it locked. "Forgive me for this-" He sighed and used magic to unlock it to finally open the door. Only to find that Loki wasn't even in there. Everything was in its proper place as it usually was, but Loki was no where to be seen. 

Stephen immediately started a full blown search of the sanctum. Looking in every room every closet, every last inch of the library. In the basement was well. But there was no sign of the mischievous god. Nothing was out of place, nothing was missing. Besides Loki. Loki was missing. 

 Stephen was in a panic. Until he realized one place he hadn't checked. Making his way up the stairs. He walked up onto the roof. And low and behold. There he was. 

Loki sat on the roof, a green blanket over his shoulders. How long had he been up here? 

 "Loki? Are you alright?" Stephen asks. 

 "Yes. Why?" Loki answered.

 "I couldn't find you." 

 Loki chuckles. "Worried about me are we?" 

 Stephen rolled his eyes going over to him and sitting down. "Why do you ask? Is it really that hard to believe?"  

 "Well..." Loki trailed off. 

 "I don't mind your company Loki. I thought I had been making that clear." Stephen says. "Sure, you were annoying at first-" 

 "Oh, I was annoying?" Loki interrupted sassily

 "You were incredibly difficult." Stephen says. 

 "And you were incredibly stuck up." Loki countered.

 "On like you're not."  Stephen sassed in return. This little squabble lead too the two of them laughing. Genuine laughter, just the two of them. Sitting on a roof. The two of them quieted down and were soon enveloped in silence. Stephen finally had a moment to study Loki's features. His eyes stared off I to the distance not focusing on anything in particular, but he seemed oddly calm.  "You know.." Stephen speaks breaking the silence. "I meant what I said. I truly don't mind your company." The smallest of smiles appeared on Loki's face, as he turned to look at Stephen.

"Thank you.. I don't mind your company either sorcerer." 

"Now c'mon. It's midday and you haven't eaten" Loki sighs getting up. 

"Alright, alright I'm coming." 

A Second Chance Book 1Where stories live. Discover now