Part 13

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"I can save him" The Witch repeated. Stephen speed walked to The Scarlet Witch's cell, his blood boiling.

Shackles of golden magic held her hands behind her back, chains of the same magic came down from a collar around her neck that held her in place. "Oh wow that really got your attention" She said with a smirk, her head tilting to the side. She had this grin, like a sly fox, who had just tricked her prey into a trap.

"How?" Stephen asked not wanting to waste any more time. "How can I save Loki? Well I'm very experienced when it comes to healing. Quite convenient for your situation is it not?" The Witch said followed by a cruel laugh. "What do you want?" Stephen asks with a hint of hesitation, having an idea of what she was going to say next. "Is it not obvious? I can't exactly save him while locked up like this" She says holding her chained hands up, to further emphasize her point.

Stephen mentally cursed. Of course that's what she wanted. "You did this, didn't you? He was doing fine until you showed up" He snapped. The Scarlet Witch laughs, shaking her head "Oh no, this is all your doing Doctor." Stephen's eyes widened. The villainess grins "That's right I know exactly what you did. Bringing him back from the dead like that. You barely knew him, and now? He's dying, painfully because of you."

Each word struck Stephen harshly and painfully. He knew exactly what she was doing. She was trying to get in his head. The worst part was he knew she was right.

"The poor thing is helpless, and you have failed to keep him alive. Are you really going to let him die just to keep me away from my goals?"

"You're trying to find people who are dead"

"I'm trying to find a reality where they are alive" She says going serious. "The Love of my life was murdered before my own eyes, then my brother sacrificed himself, for his sacrifice to be in vain."

Stephen went silent.

"My reality was destroyed, I just barely escaping with my life. Everything I had was taken from me.. I have nothing left. So I will stop at nothing to get back the people I love" The Witch says. "Doctor, If you have an ounce of pity.. Please, let me go. I promise I will save Loki and leave you and the rest of the avengers be as I make ready to leave" Stephen hesitated, realizing that she seemed to be just a broken person, looking for those she loves. With a wave of his hand the chains disappear.

"Do what you must, but if you become a threat we will meet again." The witch smiles walking over to him. "Thank you Stephen." She steps out of her cell going up stairs with Stephen following. They walk up to see Wanda.

"What in the-" "Oh shut up" she doesn't get to finish her sentence, passing out on the floor. The Witch sighs, "Is this really the realities me? No style, or poise" she says with a hint of disgust. "Did you have to do that?" Stephen asks. "Did you want to try and explain to her that you were letting me go?" She questions raising an eyebrow. "Didn't think so" She says not giving Stephen any time to respond. Stephen just sighs and shakes his head before opening the door to Loki's room. The witch stepped in, walking to his bedside. Her eyes glowed gold as she gazed at him. "You're lucky doctor, much longer and he would be dead." she says as she holds her hand above Loki's forehead. "So you can save him?" Stephen asks. "Yes I can save him" The witch says, her hand starts to glow a soft yellow.

The soft shimmering light envelopes Loki's entire body before fading away. The witch steps away from him "He will live, and I will get out of your hair. Maybe we'll meet again"

"I doubt it" Stephen says looking away from Loki and at her. "Who knows, I may come back to this reality once I find what I'm looking for" She says. "Well then perhaps" The witch smiles "Goodbye Stephen" with that she disappeared.

The instant she was gone Stephen was sitting in a chair at Loki's side.

"C'mon..." he mutters worriedly. A moment goes by. Nothing, no movement, no response. "Loki.. just wake up dammit." He says looking for any sign he was okay. Stephen looked away, sighing. He then hears a light chuckle

"My My, You look terrible" Stephen turned to see Loki awake and sitting up. Stephen sighs "I guess I do" he says with a bit of a smile. "What's important is that you're alive"

"Careful sorcerer, You're feelings are showing"

"Forgive me, I haven't gotten much sleep, '' Stephen says with a hint of sass. "Oh did I keep you awake with worry?" Loki says with his usual sarcasm. "Maybe you did" Stephen says sincerely. "Maybe?" Loki raised an eyebrow nodding down. Stephen looks down to where Loki looked, realizing he was holding Loki's hand. He immediately let go, utterly embarrassed. Loki chuckles softly, shaking his head. "Are you okay?" Stephen asks changing the subject. "I'm better than I've been in a while." Loki answers. "That's good. But you should rest a while just to be sure." "I can assure you I'm fine" Loki says, moving to get up. Stephen stands starting to say something but is stopped mid thought by Loki standing right in front of him. Loki smirked "I told you". The two of them held eye contact for a moment that seemed to last forever.

"Stephen!" Wanda calls, opening the door. Stephen backs away from Loki instantly. "Oh- He's awake. Stephen you did it!" Wanda says with a smile. "Yes.. Loki should be just fine now" Stephen says, trying to act natural. "I'm sorry but I don't believe we've been properly introduced." Loki says. "Oh yes, Loki, this is Wanda Maximoff. And Wanda This is Loki." Stephen says. "It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance Maximoff," Loki says politely. Wanda smiles "It's nice to meet you properly as well" she turns to Stephen "and Stephen we need to talk" Dr. Strange nods. "Very well excuse us for a moment. Loki'' Wanda and Stephen both leave.

"How did you save him?" Wanda asks now that the two were alone.

"It's not important." Stephen says. "What matters now is that he's okay" Wanda nods, her arms crossed in front of her. "And, what are we going to do about.. Y'know. The other me" there was fear in her eyes as she spoke, and her breath became shaky. "You don't need to worry about her. She is taken care of for now, she won't be hurting you or anyone else" Stephen says trying to be reassuring. "Are you sure?" Wanda asks looking up at him. "I'm sure." He says with a nod. She smiles a bit "Thank you Stephen" She mutters before leaning up and kissing his cheek. He was surprised to say the least. "I- I better go. Y'know, eat, probably sleep" Wanda says awkwardly. Stephen nods "Yes that's probably a good idea, you look like you could use the rest" Wanda nods with a soft sigh. "I'll see you around?" "most certainly." And with that she left. Leaving Stephen very very confused.

A Second Chance Book 1Where stories live. Discover now