Part 15

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Loki stood against the wall watching as the others all conversed. So far it hadn't been completely horrible, the only negative was Tony being less than kind when they first arrived, but Loki fully expected that so hardly cared. Currently they were playing a miguardian game of questions. Loki wasn't really paying attention so didn't bother participating. Just watching and listening because he had nothing else to do.

"Alright Mr. Barnes I have a question for you then" Sam says.

"Ask away" Bucky rolls his eyes prepared for some stupid question about his arm.

"If you were about to go into a big battle. And you could only pick two people to help you, who would you choose?" Sam says taking a drink. " Oh! And you have to pick from the people who are here right now."

"Oh well that gets rid of my top two choices." Bucky says with a laugh.

"And who are those exactly?" Wanda asks.

"Steve, and Carol."

"Okay okay, but out of the people here. Who would you choose?" Sam interjected, getting back to the point.

"Hm. That's a hard one. Probably Thor and.. " Bucky paused discreetly scanning the room. "Loki"

"Ahh, Good choice" Thor says with a nod.

"Okay, Thor I get but Loki?" Tony was obviously confused, and was incredibly judgemental. Loki looked up upon hearing his name.

"Yes. You obviously haven't seen him fight Stark" Bucky sassed.

"I think he's just still bitter that Loki threw him out a window." Bruce says, adjusting his glasses.

"I thought we agreed not to discuss that." Tony says indignantly. Loki smirked.

"You threw him out a window?" Bucky asked Loki, finding this highly amusing.

"Yes I did" Loki nods. Bucky, Sam and a few of the others all laugh. Besides Tony of course.

"Yeah yeah, real funny." Tony scowls. Stephen hid a laugh. Loki however did notice but chose not to say anything.

"Anyways, why them two?" Sam asks.

"Well if you've seen Thor fight he's an obvious choice. He could probably take down most armies by himself if he tried" Bucky explains. Thor grinned proudly..

"That doesn't mean you should though" Loki says with a roll of his eyes. Bucky smirks slightly.

"And I for one have seen Loki fight, he saved my life. Without him we wouldn't have caught the witch. Oh that reminds me" Bucky made eye contact with Loki. "I never thanked you for that" Loki was taken aback. He barely knew this "Mr. Barnes" and he was being kind to him. Sure he did save his life. But did he not know what he had done? He had to know.. right?

"You're welcome." Loki was hesitant as he spoke. But he did smile slightly.

"That reminds me, you should join this game of ours brother!" Thor says beckoning Loki to come and join the group.

"Yes. Why don't you come have a seat" Dr. Strange says. Loki sighs not exactly wanting to but to be polite he agreed and sat down on the couch as far from everyone as possible.

"Very well, You can ask me one of your silly questions."

"Actually I believe it is my turn." Wanda smiles.

"Ask away then"

"Hmm" Wanda thought for a moment before smiling as she thought of a good question. "You've been living on earth for a while now, Have you found anything you've actually liked?" Loki was surprised to be asked a genuine question.

"Well.. I suppose some of the literature I have found isn't terrible"

"Uh oh, We got a nerd alert" Tony says in his usual condescending manner.

"Stark. Do you make it a mission of yours to annoy everyone every chance you get?" Dr. Strange questions glaring coldly at Tony.

"Besides, if anyone here is a nerd it's gotta be you" Sam says.

"Nerd?" Loki was confused; he had never heard that word before, and hadn't a clue what it ment.

"It's a word that essentially means someone who's intelligent and obsessed with following a rule book. And it tends to be used as an insult. For whatever reason." Stephen explains to Loki.

"Ah, so Steve would be considered a nerd then?" Thor asks, having heard the explanation.

With that. All of the Avengers started laughing.

"I think he was a bit too much of an idiot to be considered a nerd." Loki mutters louder than he ment too. He realized this and was at first nervous that the others would be upset. But they only laughed more. For once Loki actually felt like he wasn't being left out. Maybe the Avengers weren't so bad after all.

A Second Chance Book 1Where stories live. Discover now