Part 9

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It had been more then a week now, Loki had barely slept at all, his mind torn between the options he had in front of him. Ruling over an entire world and having his mother back, or something new. He didn't understand what was wrong with him. Any other day he would choose the first option over anything else. But.. he still had that feeling. A feeling that he could not describe, telling him that staying would be better. That staying with Stephen, would be better. Loki felt more light headed than ever, but he couldn't tell if it was from the witch messing with him or from not being able to sleep. He needed Dr. Strange, he was the only one who had been making his life bearable as of late. Besides Thor's occasional visit, Loki had hardly spoken to anyone, not that he really minded. He had never been one to over socialize, But nonetheless it was nice to have someone to talk to that didn't seem to hate him. But for now, His options, the witch's offer, his almost to be called friend ship with Stephen: that is all Loki could think about, as he waited in silence for he didn't even have the energy to read, he felt so weak and dizzy that he could barely sit up straight. Luckily he didn't have to wait much longer, for only a moment later Dr. Strange opened the door carrying breakfast with him.
 "Good morning Loki." he said politely as usual as he sat the tray down on the bedside table. For the first time Loki noticed Stephen's hands, they were shaking, trembling, almost nonstop. He wondered why, but decided it wasn't important right now. "Morning" Loki mutters softly. While he didn't show it, he was happy to see the other. The sorcerer had done a lot for him after all, not only saving his life, but also providing a sort of structure to Loki's previously unpredictable life. Before now, it had been nothing but questions for his day to day life; Would he be able to eat? Would he be able to sleep? Would he survive? Now, thanks to Stephen those things didn't have to be his immediate concern. He owed his life to Dr. Strange, someone who he had never done anything for to prove he deserved it. Maybe that was why he was questioning taking the witch's offer. The only problem was that he was finding himself less and less inclined to eat and he felt weaker and weaker as the days went on without knowing why. "You don't look too well, how are you feeling?" Dr. Strange asks. "oh I'm marvelous" Loki replied sarcastically with a half smile. Stephen sighs softly, normally he would laugh at Loki's sarcasm, but not today. "Eat up all right, I will be back in a moment" He says before leaving without waiting for a response. Loki sighed Steven had been doing that a lot lately and he didn't know why.

   Dr. Strange was worried out of his mind, he knew Loki said he wanted to help but still in the back of his mind there was that worry that something would happen to Loki. He was sure that the magical explosion from the rift had affected him somehow. Made things worse possibly. Stephen couldn't risk Loki like that. Not when he was trying so hard to keep him alive. On top of that nor Dr. strange or the others had found any trace of the Scarlet Witch, and Loki had only gotten worse. His wound was healing normally but the fatigue from being brought back to life was getting worse day by day. Thor had come to visit now and again to check on his brother. He was starting to get a little better but Loki being in this state wasn't helping at all. Loki had barely left the bed let alone his room. He was eating less and less, and becoming less and less of himself. Dr. Strange had been trying everything he could to try to help him, keep some sort of normal. Over this time him and Loki had become somewhat friends. Which was nice even though Stephen wished it could have been under better circumstances. Even as he worked trying to find this new villainess they were dealing with, worry swirled though his mind. That was until he is snapped out of his thoughts when he heard someone calling him. "Doctor?" a woman's voice called as she walked up the stairs. Dr. Strange walks over to the stairs to see none other than the villainess's doppelganger herself. "Maximoff. It's good to see you. What can I do for you?" He says with a polite smile. "Please just call me Wanda'' She says meeting him at the top of the stairs. "And actually. It's about what I can do for you, I came here to help" She says seriously. "Oh- I see. Well, I'm sure there is something you can do. Why don't you come this way Wanda?" Stephen takes her though the library and down stairs.

   The two of them spend hours upon hours trying to use their combined strength to find where the Scarlet Witch had gone. But still found nothing. Wanda sighs "I should have known I wouldn't have made much difference." she grumbles in frustration. "Well you made it less annoying and boring. So it's not like you did nothing." Dr. Strange reassures with a bit of a smile. Wanda looks up at him from her chair with a tired smile. "Well you're welcome then" Stephen chuckles softly. "Why don't we take a brake and go upstairs to have some tea?" he suggests. Wanda lets out a sigh of relief and smiles, standing up "yeah, that sounds nice". The two go upstairs to find it was raining softly. Wanda relaxes softly looking out the window as Dr. Strange conjures up some tea much like he did when he and Loki first properly talked. "What kind of tea would you like?" he asks. "Anything with flowers. I have yet to find a flower tea I haven't liked" Wanda says letting her copper orange hair out of the messy bun it was in, changing it to a low ponytail. "Very well," Dr. Strange says with a nod as he makes the tea. Wanda sits down in the empty seat. "here you are '' Stephen says, giving her tea. "thank you Stephen" Wanda says softly, taking the cup into her hands. The two sat in a comfortable silence for a moment, soft rain fall and the soft ticking of the clock the only noises that filled the room. Wanda finally broke the silence by setting her cup down with a clink. "So.. I've heard Loki's isn't doing well?" she asks. Dr. Strange sighs "The other's sent you to question me about him didn't they?" he said, not even glancing at her. Wanda clenched her jaw before sighing and giving in. "Yes.. they did." Stephen nods sipping his tea. "I thought so '' he muttered, setting the cup down. "Can you blame them? He's dangerous. From everything I heard I don't really want to see what he can do'' Wanda says. "I am fully aware of how much of a threat Loki is, but I can assure you I am handling it." Dr. Strange says. "But what if you're not? What if this so-called "god of lies" is manipulating you? What if as soon as we all start to trust him he stabs us in the back? For all we know he could betray us and be working with the witch." Wanda says standing up. Dr. Strange went silent for a moment. "Loki is unpredictable, and Unstable. I recognize your concern, and I do not blame you, but I have put my trust in Loki, at least for now. We shall see if that was a mistake in the future." Steven says. On the outside he was calm, cool and collected. but on the inside his mind was clouded with worry. What if she was right? what if Loki did betray him in the end? Just then his and Wanda's phone ding with the same message. Carol had found the witch. "We have to go" Dr. Strange says, creating his portal of shimmering sparks. "What about Loki?" Wanda asks. "He needs rest, It's better we just go." Dr. Strange insists, and with a quick nod the two of them were long gone. But, Little did they know, Loki had overheard all of their little conversation.

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