Chapter 3 - Inspiration

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'I finally did it. I finally let go. Half of my life I have been sad, I have hurt, I have cried, but no more, no more. I finally jumped. I took the leap of faith that I should have taken years ago. I followed Kacchan's advice.' My thoughts were stopped as I smashed into something cold, freezing my back as I slid. The sensation was very similar. It reminded me of certain times that I was happy, it was the feeling of Shoto's ice. I opened my eyes, hoping that it wasn't real. But it was. Shoto had used his ice and stopped my fall. 'That killjoy'. I looked up at the red and white hair familiar to me. I saw the stern look of my only friend. Before I could open my mouth, he clubbed me on the head with something, I don't really know what, but next thing I knew, it was dark.


After Shoto knocked Izuku out, a few tears came to his eyes, a phenomenon not at all common to the boy. He shed tears over his friend, who had just tried to end his life. He collapsed his ice and carefully sat Izuku on a park bench. He then asked the office lady to call his father, saying that he forgot that his club wasn't on tonight and told him that he should come late. The real reason behind the calling of his father was that he wanted his father to take Izuku home with them.
After a while, Enji pulled up in his car to pick up his son in a very bad mood as he was pulled out of a very important meeting to receive the call to pick up his son, after all their driver had just taken the day off to see his family. Due to his mood, he was not at all ready for what he saw. He thought that he would just scold Shoto and then get home, but he had a whole new problem. His nephew, a boy he had cared for ever since his birth, lying there, unconscious, beaten to a concentrated pulp. Tears came to his eyes as he rushed over, gasping for breaths as he nearly had a panic attack at this horrific event. Next to the green haired boy he saw his own son, he initially thought that Shoto had done this himself, he was certainly capable, but then he saw how he was caring for Izuku. He had given him his jacket as a pillow, and used Izuku's jacket as a blanket to shelter him from the cool breeze.
Enjoy then asked Shoto for details, to which Shoto replied, "The Bakugou's, Izumi and Shoka beat him up like they normally do, and then they told him to jump off the school roof, so he did. I managed to catch him with my ice but he is still in an extremely bad state." Enjoy was surprised at how much Shoto talked, he had never heard that many words come out of his mouth for a very, very long time, he was then shocked by how mature his wording was, after all, he was only 8. And then he was shocked by what he had been told. Izuku's 'best friends', his own 'sister', and Enji's own daughter had beaten him like this. He was completely in shock. But he decided to put that aside for now and get Izuku to a hospital. He instructed Shoto to get into the front seat, and Enji then lied Izuku in the back. He drove way above the speed limit, it was a miracle he didn't get caught, until he finally reached a hospital. He was rushed to the ER and then to the OR, as he was deemed in critical condition. The doctor asked for a family member, and Enji responded with "We are his family." The Doctor decided that he was good enough, after all everyone knew who he was. The number 2 pro hero Endeavour.
For the next 29 hours, Enji waited by the bedside of his nephew, praying that he would wake up. Only 6 people were aware that he was there, and that was the Todoroki family, but not Shoka. Izuku had to be treated for nerve damage, frostbite, extreme burns, eye damage, and lots of fractures and breaks. Eventually, the family thought that they were done with the surgery until they were informed otherwise. "We need to amputate his right arm and leg." When the doctor delivered those words, Enji was nearly shattered. Shoto started crying and was comforted by Rei, Fuyumi, Natsuo and Touya (yes Touya). They thought that his poor disastrous life was over. But they were presented with a hope. On the other side of the hospital wing, was another boy. He had a disease so rare that it didn't even have a name. This boys name was Capsik, he was due to die in 3 days. Capsik was a criminal. For all of his short years on the planet, he had been committing crimes. Before he died, however, he wanted to do something for someone else. He was willing to pay an arm and a leg to redeem himself. The only problem was that Capsik's disease made his arms and legs look weird. It made them dark. Imagine a shadow, but they are completely solid. So like Winter Soldier's Wakandan arm but not metal. The Todoroki's were left with an ultimatum. Let Izuku live a life full of bullying, without half of his limbs. Or, give him an arm and a leg, but know that he would more than likely be bullied because he looks different. The chances of the arm and leg carrying the disease was 1 in 2. So there was a 50% chance that Izuku could die like Capsik did.

They spent 2 more days in that hospital, waiting. The pro hero Endeavour was talked about on the news as he had mysteriously disappeared with no probable cause. Not a single Todoroki could make the decision. Enji, the leader of the family, finally reached his decision. He chose the latter.


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