Chapter 8 - Family Ties

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The final results of the testing were:

1st: Izuku Yagi
2nd: Shoto Todoroki
3rd: Izumi Yagi
4th: Katsuki Bakugo
5th: Shoka Todoroki
6th: Katsumi Bakugo
23rd: Minoru Mineta

After a lot of Deku's and other name calling, they could finally head to their first class. Izuku was happy with the seating arrangements, mainly because he was really far away from his sister and Katsuki, but also because he was near Shoto and Momo.

After a few boring periods, it was finally time to head back to the dorms. Most students didn't understand why they needed the dorms, as most of them lived near the school, but some students did. The truth was that all of the students have been moved into dorms, as nearly an entire class of 1st years last year had their quirks stolen. The teachers were informed on the cause being All For One, and so the dorms were introduced.

As they were walking back to the dorms, a pink skinned girl named Mina had an epiphany. "Guys! How about we compare everyone's dorms later tonight! It will be a lot of fun after we all set up our dorms!" Most students agreed, especially the girls, but some of the boys (including Izuku and Shoto) just didn't say anything.

Izuku went into his room and locked the door, before setting up his room. He decided to go for a traditional Japanese look, so he replaced the walls and floor, along with a few pieces of furniture. He couldn't change the bathroom as it would take too long, but he was happy with it anyways.

As you walk in, you are met with a shoe rack to your left, and then a mat in the middle of the room. To the left of the mat was a hidden tv and gaming system, along with shelves stocked with notebooks. On the far wall from the door there was a collection of weapons, ranging from swords and staffs to shurikens and darts. His bed was a four-poster, with curtains to block out the sun. The attached ensuite was next to a desk full of pencils and pens, as well as a computer used for homework.

By the time he was finished, he was hungry, so he headed out and saw Shoto on his left also coming out. He could barely see into his room and saw pretty much the exact same decorations as his own, minus the weapons. The boys headed down the long corridor and down the stairs. As they approached the common room, they were met with the smell of teriyaki and fried vegetables.

When they reached the bottom floor they saw nearly the whole class. The girls were watching Momo cook in the kitchen, the boys were arm wrestling to see who was the strongest. Katsuki was yelling at the red haired guy obsessed with manly things, and the bird guy and talking to animals guy were sitting with the multi-armed guy in the corner doing nothing.

After receiving a snarl from his sister and the Bakugo's, Izuku went to sit with the quiet kids in the corner. He had a proposition for them. Shoto sat with his sister to play video games with some of the other guys.


I decided to ask Tokoyami, Shoji and Koda if they wanted to train with Shoto and I. Their quirks are quite powerful, but they haven't yet reached their full potential. I want to ask mainly because training with a wider range of quirks will benefit all of us.

"Guys, I have a question." They all look at me. "What do you think about training with my brother and I?" They look at each other before Tokoyami replies. "You mean your sister?" Of course, Izumi. "No, she's not my sister." I say with anger in my voice. "I mean Shoto." This surprises them, but they all nod in agreement. "Great, meet us outside tomorrow at 6."

"Guys dinner will be ready in about half an hour, so how about we start the dorm looking at thingy now?" Momo shouts. Mina violently starts shaking her head so we all get up and go to the girls dorms first. First up is Mina, as she is the closest to the common room.

Her room is full of pink. Some memorabilia and hero stuff too, but Izuku stopped looking not long after, it was very pink. Next was Ochaco's, nothing exciting. Then Jiro's, she had some cool instruments, and it was dark, which I like. Then it was Momo's, she had a classic rich girl room. She basically built a walk-in closet, she has a desk for studying, along with A LOT of devices. All of her clothes were expensive. Next was Hagakure's, and she just had a normal girl room. Then it was Izumi. Her room was flooded with Green Psychic merchandise, even after learning her identity, she still idolised her. Then it was Katsumi, who had a normal room. Shoka was next, she had some weird flooring, along with posters of Mirko, her favourite hero. Last was Asui's room. She had some cool hero stuff and a pet frog, which the girls loved.

Then it was the boy's turn. First it was Katsuki, as he arrived late so he got the closest room, he had some weights and other training equipment, but apart from that it was normal. Then it was Kirishima' turn, he had a lot of posters and figures of Crimson Riot, his favourite hero. Then it was Sero, who had a normal room. Sato was next, and he had a full on kitchen in his room, and he just finished making some cake which he handed out, so that was nice. Then it was Ojiro, who had a lot of Karate equipment, 'Maybe I should invite him to train as well.' Then it was Aoyama, who had the brightest room I have ever seen, I was nearly blinded and moved to the next room. Kaminari was next, and he had some cool stuff but was mainly normal. Last on the floor was Mineta, but everyone just ignored him as he was being extremely creepy to the girls about it. The next floor was Shoji, who had a super minimalistic room, which I liked. Then it was Tokoyami, who had a really dark room, which I very much liked. Then it was Koda, who had a few animals in containers, which he had approval from the school for, (muzh to Iida's dismay). Then it was me. All of the girls were surprised at how different it was in such little time, which annoyed me. Ojiro was admiring my weapons before I kicked them out and then we went to Shoto's. His was the exact same as mine (minus the weapons) which everyone found weird, but they liked it anyway.

Finally they left and we could have dinner. The teriyaki was delicious, Momo is a really good cook. Once everyone was done eating, they started leaving and going back to their rooms. Once enough people were gone, I approached Ojiro. "Hey Ojiro, I wanted to know if you wanted to join me and some of the other guys to train tomorrow morning?" I asked, "Sure, I really want to see what else you can do!" He replied. After his answer I said goodbye and headed back to my room, where I did some meditation and some exercises before heading to bed. The last thing I thought was 'Tomorrow is going to be a good day.' Boy was I wrong.

Word Count: 1271

This was a shorter chapter as tomorrow will be pretty long.

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