Chapter 4 - Lies

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Izuku was still 8, and yet had been through more hardship than most would in their lifetime. He had been bullied over something that was beyond his control, he had been left with only 1 friend, all of his other friends had turned on him. His own parents had neglected him for years, his own sister was a leading factor in the bullying. All of this led to him trying to kill himself.

As Izuku woke up, he immediately noticed something was off. 'This isn't my room. Where am I?' He was blinded by white light. As the past memories came back to him he thought, 'Is this heaven?'. But no, it was not. His vision slowly came back to him, and his throat felt dry. He lifted his head and noticed that he had an oxygen mask on, he moved his arm to remove it, and he took it off.

'Wait, this isn't my arm!' He sat up very fast, ripping the heart rate monitor off of his finger so that he could examine his arm. 'Why is it so black?' He thought, ignoring the persistent flat line ring that was going on next to him. 'What did Kacchan do?' As he slowly started to remember everything, he noticed that he was in a white bed.

'Why am I in a hospital? Did Shoto bring me here? That killjoy!' He restates.

Eventually, some nurses and a doctor run in, expecting a deceased child as indicated by the beep. Instead they found a confused child, investigating his new arm. "Izuku, right?" They ask, "Yeah that's me, where am I?" He replies, "Musutafu general hospital, in the ICU. Do you remember what happened?" One of the nurses replies.

"The last thing I remember is seeing Shoto catch me, so I assume he brought me here? Shoto Todoroki?" He says, still in struggle attempting to remember the finer details.

"Yes, him and his father Enji brought you here 3 weeks ago. They claim they are your family, even though we have the Yagi's on record as your family. Who would you like us to call, the Todoroki's or the Yagi's?" The Doctor asks, clearly wanting to know what the boy's opinion is on the matter that they have been arguing with each other about for the past 3 weeks.

Izuku asks this question to himself as well, though he already knew the answer. "The Todoroki's please."


As Rei and Enji rush into the hospital ward, the nurse asks them, "Are you here for Izuku? He is the third room on the left." "Yes thank you." Rei replies as Enji continues running, even after a nurse protests. They find the sign reading MIDORIYA, IZUKU in big bold letters. They open the door and see his emerald eyes for the first time in weeks.

"Hey Mr. and Mrs. Todoroki." He greets with a smile. They jump to his bedside and hug him, nearly choking him. "Are you alright?" Rei questions through tears. "I'm fine, why?" He asks back, puzzled. "You jumped off a roof and have been in a medically induced coma for weeks, they said you shouldn't wake up for months." Enji replies, also having particularly teary eyes, though he doesn't shed any.

"We though we lost you Izuku." Rei says.


Izumi's days have been thriving. She has her friends Shoka and Katsuki, her best friend Katsumi, and most importantly her crush Shoto. Her past 3 weeks have been fantastic, she has had so much fun ever since a Izuku disappeared.

She still has no idea why, but she doesn't really care, he just weighed her down anyways. Recently, Shoto has seemed even more down than usual, he seemed kinda like when he accidentally spilled that teapot on his eye years ago (yes that's how he got his scar), so she decided she should ask him.

She skips over to him at lunch, "Hey Shoto, I umm, I noticed th-that umm, y-you have six seemed down r-recently. A-and I wanted t-to see if y-you were alright?" She says stuttering like mad. He spares her a glance, one filled with hatred, and then gets up and walks away.

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