Chapter 5 - Training

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Izuku, along with Shoto, has spent the last 2 years training. Endeavour personally trained them 3 days per week, and Edgeshot trained them the other 4.

Within the first week of training, Izuku had already shown great improvements. He had more respect, he listened with all of his attention all of the time, and stopped muttering, instead he would just write it down in his notebooks or think about it in his head.

Edgeshot taught him and Shoto how to move fast, how to precisely use weapons in combat, and just how to be a hero. Endeavour taught them hand to hand combat, and he taught Shoto how to use his quirk more effectively.

Izuku lost his fun nature, instead he was quiet, methodical, much like Shoto was. In 2 years, both boys had progressed massively, and now they were both black belts at Karate and Taekwondo. Izuku had also learnt about chi blocking from Edgeshot, but could not effectively use it in a fight without getting hit.

Every day, the 2 would spar after school, honing their combat prowess, and sometimes they would fight for real, where Shoto used his quirk, and Izuku used weapons. Because of these fights, both boys were littered with scars, gashes, burns, frostbite.

Endeavour didn't like the scars, but he respected their duels. 'We will see, just which one of you is stronger.' By the end of the 2 years, they had each one an even amount of battles, they were perfectly matched.


It had already been 4 years since Izuku last went to the Yagi's house. Enji still hadn't reported their behavior to the police due to Izuku's request, after all, if the world lost it's symbol of peace, then it would crumble.

The bullying still continued, Izuku still won't fight back, because he knows that there will come a time.

Reports have been coming in recently, reports of people losing their quirks. They claim that one man had cornered them, and then he touched them, he grabbed their head, and all of a sudden, they no longer had their quirks.

The cause of these attacks was still unknown, nobody knew what could have possibly done this. Very few knew of All For One, and even fewer believed that he was still alive. Toshinori, Inko and the kids were some of the only that knew of his existence, due to Toshinori telling them.



Recently, I have been reading some manga from the pre-quirk era, and I stumbled across a series called ONE PUNCH MAN. In it, there was a man that did 100 pushups sit ups and lunges, as well as a 10km run everyday for 3 years straight, and because of it he gained unlimited strength.

'I wonder if it is possible. I wonder if you truly can gain unlimited strength if you use this training regimen.'

I am walking home with Izuku, so I decided to ask him. "Hey Izuku, do you think it is possible to gain infinite strength through training?" Izuku was surprised, Shoto never said that many words in a sentence. "No, but I do believe that you can get close." he replied.

"Do you want to try?" I asked, "Aren't we already training for that?" he replied. "Do you know the old manga called One Punch Man?" I questioned, "No, why?"

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