Chapter 1 - Quirkless

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The 2 children sprint as fast as they can to their parents room, only to find their mother and father fast asleep. "Mom, Dad!" They scream, almost perfectly in unison, "What?" Inko replies, groggily, "Today's the day we find out our quirks! Hurry up and get up!" They say with glee. Inko looks over at her husband, Toshinori, who looks at her with a look saying, "Oh boy, here we go...".

Eventually, after some dragging from the 2 kids, Inko is forced into the car, whilst Toshinori stays behind to do some chores. "I hope our quirks are really powerful like Shoto's, Shoka's, Kacchan's and Katsumi's!" Izuku tells his sister, his eyes sparkling with hope. "I think ours will be better!" Izumi replies, "You promise?", he asks, "I promise." She replies.

Eventually they pull up at the doctor's office, the wait in the waiting room feels like forever, even longer to Inko, and much, much longer to all the other bystanders just there for their health. The two broccoli haired children were chasing each other with their hero toys, Izuku sporting an All Might figurine, and Izumi sporting a Green Psychic one. The 2 kids promise each other "No matter what, we will both be heroes!".


I am really nervous about this. Kacchan and Shoto both got really powerful quirks, and I really want one too. Izumi promised me that we will both be heroes, so I feel much better. For the 19th time, the Doctor walks out from his office with the last group of patients, saying goodbye and then calling in new ones. But this time, the doctor says "Yagi, Izumi and Izuku Yagi?" We both shoot up off the floor and run over, dragging Mom in the process. "That would be us." Mom tells the Doctor. "Great," he replies, "right this way." He leads us down a corridor and we enter the office on the right to get out testing done, while Mom waits outside. They did some weird stuff, like testing out reactions and our height, they even x-rayed us. Eventually though, we get to sit down and Mom comes in. The Doctor begins talking. "Alright Mrs. Yagi, we have some sad news and some great news, which one would you like first." We turn to Mom and she replies "The sad first, please". "Well, it appears that your son, Izuku is quirkless." 'What?' He thinks to himself, 'Impossible, Mom has a quirk, why shouldn't I?' Mom picks me up and tells me that it is alright. As she does this my All Might figurine slips through my fingers, just like my dream to be a hero.
"On the other hand, Izumi has a very powerful mutation of yours, she has an enhancement quirk...". He goes on, but I can't listen, I can't even think. Tears come to my eyes, steadily, eventually they start streaming. 'I thought that I could be a hero.' I think in between tears, 'can I still be a hero?'. After the Doctor finishes explaining Izumi's quirk, Mom puts me down and picks up Izumi, telling her how she can be a hero, the greatest ever. The doctor looks at me, clearly saddened by my tears, and tells me, "Izuku, you can still be a hero." My face lightens up, though tears are still coming, "You don't need a fancy quirk to be a hero, all that matters is what is in here." He points to my heart and smiles, making me smile too. 'I can be a hero!' I think to myself, 'I can be the No. 1 hero!'.


After arriving back home from the doctor, Izumi and Inko rush into the living room, eager to tell Toshinori of the appointment. Izuku, on the other hand, just lagged behind, his hands empty, he left his All Might toy at the Doctor's. "How did it go?" Toshinori asks, with pure anticipation in every word. Izumi is the first to reply, "I got a really cool enhancement quirk, apparently it even comes with Mom's Telewhatever powers!" She exclaims with a huge smile, "Well that's fantastic sweety, how did your brother go?", this brings her mood down, "Izuku is, quirkless." She says, hesitantly. "Oh," Toshinori says, sparing a look at the sad Izuku and then to his wife, who just nods gently. "Well either way, this is worth celebrating! My daughter, a future hero! I baked a cake just for this!" He says as he turns around and heads back to the kitchen.
Izuku, left all alone, just idly walks up to his room, and then sits on his bed, admiring all of his All Might memorabilia his parents had bought him over the years. He recalls the appointment, "Izuku is quirkless." That one word, quirkless, sticks in his head, and soon it will be forced there, by the whole world. He spins over and face plants onto his pillows, sobbing quietly, his parents didn't even remember to call him down for dinner, they were too busy entertaining his sister, his perfect sister.

The 2 twins walk to school like any other day, both beaming with smiles. Kacchan runs up and asks, "Deku, what quirk do you have?" His smile falters, but still stays strong, "I am quirkless." Kacchan gasps at this, "What? But you promised we would be both be heroes together! You lied!" Katsuki's quickly becomes angry. "I can still...". Izuku tries to tell the sandy-blonde that he can still be a hero, but he is abruptly stopped by an explosion in the face. Katsuki used his quirk and made explosions in his friend's face. Izuku fell to the floor, clutching his face in pain. He starts to cry, "You really are a pathetic, useless, Deku." He says before turning to his sister and friends and walking away. Izumi leaves as well, leaving her brother all alone, in pain, on the floor. Through his hands he sees someone walking towards him, he braces, thinking that someone is going to kick him, but the kick never came. Instead, he moves his hands to see a hand reaching down for him, he looks up at who it is, wiping away his tears and trying to clear his vision from the explosion that he just experienced. The hand was the property of one Shoto Todoroki, Izuku's friend. Shoto says nothing, he only nods in respect and walks back inside with everyone else, showing that he cared. It wasn't much of a gesture, but it meant everything in the world to Izuku. After all, for all that he could tell, Shoto was his only friend, the only one nice to him in the whole wide world.


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