Chapter 9 - Heroes vs Villains

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At exactly 5:15, Izuku woke up to the sound of his alarm. He quickly turned it off and got out of bed, ready for his second day of high school. He did some basic exercises and stretches, before having a shower and getting changed. He headed downstairs at 5:45 and had a light breakfast before going outside and doing more stretches.

Eventually, Shoto arrived too, followed by Tokoyami, then Koda, then Shoji, and then Ojiro. "Alright so, for today, we are going to work on our quirks. We will be sparring, but not trying to hurt the other person. To start off, Tokoyami, you spar Shoto, Koda, you spar Shoji, and Ojiro, you are fighting me. Cool?" He asked and everyone nodded. "Alright let's start."

Izuku was completely owning Ojiro. Even with a 5th limb, he still couldn't lay a fist on Izuku, even with Izuku holding back his true strength and speed. Izuku mainly taught Ojiro how to have more power and speed behind his techniques, going over what Edgeshot had taught him. Even within their measly time, Ojiro had already improved.

Tokoyami was fighting Shoto using Dark Shadow. The main reason for this pairing was to work on Dark Shadow's weakness to light by using Shoto's fire. Eventually after long enough, he will build a resistance, making him unstoppable. Shoji was fighting Koda with all of his limbs, beating him pretty handily. The main thing that they needed to teach Koda was how to yell. If he could learn how to do that, then his quirk will be amplified.

All 6 of them were tired by the end of it, so they all headed back inside to eat a real breakfast before getting changed for the school day ahead. Before they left, Shoto told them all our secret, how we got this strong. He told them to keep it an absolute secret, and if they can complete the whole regimen, then they will be as strong as us by the time they are 18. They were all shocked, but also intrigued.

As they went inside, they were met with a lot of questions from their classmates. "Where the hell have you been?" "Deku! What the hell are you doing with Shoto?" "What were you doing out there?" They all ignored every question and continued to their dorms to get changed.

After getting changed they had breakfast and then headed back to 1-A.


This morning I had a training session with some of my classmates. It was quite cool, though I was losing badly. I was paired with Todoroki, a half-fire half-ice user, meaning that he could disable Dark Shadow easily with his fire. I did learn a lot though, like I learned that an ice-covered fist punching you hurts a lot. Todoroki told all of us how he and Yagi became so strong, but he also told us to keep it secret, so I will.

We will be doing 100 push-ups squats and sit-ups everyday for the next 3 years, which will be extremely hard. We finally arrive at our class room as a collective unit, with Ojiro in the lead, as he is the most extroverted out of all of us. I take my seat in front of Todoroki and get ready for first period, holding my head on my hand, as I didn't get much last sleep last night. 'It's hard to fall asleep in a different room.'

Aizawa-sensei gets up from his sleeping bag and talks about something, I don't really know as I wasn't paying attention at all. I was only thinking about Yagi and Todoroki. 'Is it really possible to become that strong through training alone? Is Yagi really quirkless? What way can I possibly overcome the light caused by Todoroki's fire.' Are all questions that I was asking myself.

I checked our timetable and saw that our last period was Heroics. 'That should be fun, I hope.' The day goes by relatively fast. We are still going through orientation-type stuff in class, so it's not like I really have to pay attention. At lunch, I grab my food and sit with the other 5 that I am training with. We all sit in silence, eating our lunch. Soon we are visited by Yagi, the other Yagi. She slams her hand on our table and yells. "Deku! Sitting with all of the other losers I see. Except you Shoto." She says her last comment with red cheeks. "Shut up Yagi, any of these guys could beat you in a fight. Why don't you head back over to the other girls and talk about your crush on Shoto or something." Yagi replies, 'So, they are clearly not brother and sister, maybe they had a falling out?' Other Yagi goes completely red in the face and squeals "This isn't over!" Or something else like that before leaving.

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