Fatherly Fear of Addiction

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"I was unduly stunned at your love for the only thing that you concluded made you half way whole
The way the needle stuck from your arms and snow like white lines rested next to your potential dead body but you continued furthermore
The way your eyes glossed over while sticking the needle into your last vein on the blistering cold bathroom tile

I was incapable of belief until...

My heart stung and mind ached so intensely that I dreamt of the feeling of wholeness like you once did
I was incapable of belief until I picked up the frigid blade
I was incapable of belief until I drew pretty lines in the same form of your snow like ones across my arm and watched it draw blood
I was incapable of belief until I sat on the same blistering cold tile with glossed over eyes and placed the razor to my half lifeless body and drew one last line
One last line like the coke you always had on your blemished skin and underneath your nose and disappeared
Just like you daddy.
Is that what you wanted? You got it."

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