I Promise, I am Over you

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I'm over you
I'm over you but my heart still races when I feel your eyes lie upon my face
I'm over you but my body still stings when your arm bumps into mine
I'm over you but you are always mine in my dreams
I'm over you but your voice still sings a perfect melody into my ears
I'm over you but my lips scream when I see yours
I'm over you but my tears warm my body on the bathroom floor tile at thought of you
I'm over you but my skin crawls at the thought of any other girl lying against your chest while your heart beat syncs and you talk about childhood memories
I'm over you but I still know your mothers birthday, your fathers favorite song, and your niece still runs to me with a smile at each store
I'm over you but I still love you, I still miss your arms wrapped around mine , I calm at the musky scent of your cologne
I'm over you, I think

I'm not over you
But someday I will never think of you
And I am looking forward to forgetting

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