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Your knife is sharpened and silver
Your once kind hands place around the handle
Locating the knife to my hated body
Stabbing and twisting
My small hands did not take the knife from you
My body didn't fight for safety
If I would of known what safety is I would of spent less time believing that was you
I watched you smirk at the blood dripping from the blade
The blade you stabbed the girl you claimed to once love
My mouth locked shut and my eyes remained opened
My body stood and arms placed behind my back
I didn't stop the knife
You cut my body open with zero remorse and I did not once fight it
Why would I?
Sure I was withering away
But hell
At least it was you of all people
So I allowed you to kill
It was you
You noticed me enough to kill me
You noticed me for once
So the knife may twist and turn
My eyes are open because I want to whiteness your charming face
At least before I die

I survived

I found love in what you hated of me
But you
You found a girl
A girl whom stabbed you with the same blade
But you did not survive
Don't you know?
Love is a two sided blade
There is no handle
That's why your hands bled at each stab to my body
You bled worse than I
Karma didn't withhold such time for those whom break girls like a glow stick
Don't forget
A glow stick must break to glow
Now I shine

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