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"HEY HEY HEY" you hear when you and Allison arrived at the park. It took you a moment to figure out who was yelling, but when the two of you got closer to a group of boys you figured out that it had been Bokuto who was yelling. If you weren't so tired, you would have yelled at Bokuto to shut up, but you were too out of it to even care.

"I'm gonna go annoy Akaashi, I'll be back," Allison said, walking off into the distance.

You were left standing alone. You stood in your spot watching Allison mess around with Akaashi, seeing a smile on her face. You look at her seeing that she was happy. Happier than she was when she hung out with Terushima. You start to feel a bit lonely. You look around you to see if anyone else was by themself. You spot Kenma sitting down near the bottom of the hill, looking out at the river that was in front of you guys. You walk over to him, grabbing the Monster from his hand, sipping it as you sit down on the grass next to him.

You look over at him and smile. "You got dragged here too huh?" You look back at the view. The breeze hit your face lightly, while you close your eyes waiting for Kenma to answer. He took a breath in before speaking. "Yeah, Kuroo kinda came into my room and brought me here. The worst part is, he didn't allow me to bring my switch."

You look over at him in utter shock at what he said. You couldn't imagine that Kuroo would be that cruel to someone. You took in another sip of the drink in your hand to digest what Kenma told you. It was already bad enough to get dragged to the park at three in the morning, but not being able to bring the one thing that makes you happy, was far worse.

"That's so cruel of him!" You state. Kenma looks at you, nodding his head in agreement. The two of you sat there conversating on all the stupid and mean things that Kuroo and Allison have done to the two of you.

"You know, I don't think we've ever talked like this before," Kenma laughs.

"That's because you've never had a free energy drink on you before" you look at him, with a deadpan expression. You felt your uniform become wet from the long amount of time you've sat down since you got to the park. You check your phone to read 5:20, before getting up to dry your uniform for a bit. You start standing up, but due to the grass being damp, you find yourself slipping before Kenma caught you by your sides. He helps you gain back balance, before letting his hands drop down from your waist.

"Uh thank y-" you began to say before getting interrupted by Allison yelling from the river.

"MAKE SURE YOU TWO DON'T GET ALL LOVEY DOVEY ON ME THIS EARLY!" You put your head onto Kenma's shoulder, blushing at her stupid comment, flipping Allison off in the process.

"DON'T WORRY TSUKISHIMA WE'LL TELL YOU AHEAD OF TIME IF WE DO" you hear kenma yell back. You look up at him rolling your eyes, lightly punching him in the arm. You look over at Allison's expression. You saw that she was shocked by what Kenma said to her. You knew Kenma was only joking around, so you didn't think much of it.

"BITCH, DO NOT ASSOCIATE ME WITH THAT SALT CONTAINER OF A COUSIN" You see Allison running to where you and Kenma were standing. You thought about running but chose not to when you saw Allison get tripped by Akaashi. You didn't know if it was intentional that he tripped her or not but you couldn't care any less.

You look out to the river to see the sun rising. You thought it was beautiful, how even the little peak of light, could be so magical. The sun looked as if it was hovering above the river, scared to come out into the real world. You smiled at the thought of the sun being scared. It in a way reminds you of a little child going to school for the first time, not knowing what lies beyond their secure home. You felt the breeze hit you in the face, brushing any baby hair away from your face. Not knowing it, Kenma was giving quick glances at you, admiring how the light reflected onto your face from the sky.

You turn to look at him, looking into his eyes for a moment. "We should stop staring at each other. It's getting kinda weird," you joke, walking away from him. You turn back to see that he was still standing in his spot. "You coming or are you going to act like a statue, loser" you yell, making your way to the group.

"I'm the hot girl?" you hear Bokuto ask when you walk up to them.

"You're the hottest girl," Kuroo replies.

"I'm the hot girl." You look over at Allison, hoping that she would give you an answer. She shrugged, not knowing what to say about what you walked into. "Yes, you are." You state.

"Sorry to ruin this lovely conversation boys, but we have to run to early practice today," Allison says, giving a warm-hearted smile.

"Awe but Alli-" Boktuo whined

"No buts, Bokuto. I know you don't want to go, but you're the captain of the team. Plus you have to listen to our manager." Akaashi interrupts Bokuto. He walks over to Allison, putting his hands onto her shoulder to calm her down. You couldn't help but laugh a little. You found it interesting that both Akaashi and Allison were like Boktuo's parents on and off of the court. Boktuo was about to respond back to Akaashi but Allison answered his question before he could start saying anything.

"Bokuto you can get food on the way, now let's go, before the team gets mad at us" Allison sighs, leaning back into Akaashi hold. Akaashi lets his arms rest onto her shoulder, pulling her in closer to him. You couldn't help but look at her and Akaashi. You gave a wide grin at Allison, but it turned into a frown when she got off of Akaashi. You could see that Akaashi slight smile, turn into a painful smile. You felt bad for him, and you wished that Allison would admit her feelings for him before it's too late for her too.

"We should head to school too," Kuroo says, trying to change the mood. You could tell that he knew about Akaashi's feelings for his manager/classmate. Everyone could tell, even if he wouldn't say it out loud, everyone knew. It also helped that Bokuto accidentally told Kuroo, so he could district the middle blocker for him to score a point.

"Yeah you guys should. Wouldn't want Coach to yell at you. Also Y/n you should be a manager for Nekoma, it would be fun to see you during practice games". Allison says, walking away with the other Fukurodani players. You wave goodbye to her and turn in the direction your bicycle was.

"I'll see you two losers at school, good luck at practice" you got on your bicycle. You were about to ride off until kenma stopped you from doing so.

"You want me to come with you?" You ask.

"Yes, I don't want to deal with Kuroo acting like a grandpa by myself" he states. You pause to think. "See I would... but I don't want to. So good luck with that" you push his hands off of your bicycle and start riding past him.

"HEY KENMA YOU COMING?" you hear Kuroo yell from a distance.

"OH MY GOD. NO" Kenma yells walking back to Kuroo. You look back at the two boys behind you before going down the street's hill.

"Those boys are idiots I swear" you muter.  

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