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The morning had gone like usual for Kenma. He woke up, got ready, ate, and went to morning practice. Through all of that, he chose to keep a far distance from you for the morning, unless he had to be near you. Kenma was sitting on the steps in front of one of the gym doors. He was currently picking at his food, not feeling hungry enough to eat it all.

"Okay. What's up with you today? You're quiet, more than usual," Kuroo breaks the silence between him and kenma.

"Nothing," he mumbles.

"NOTHING??" Bokuto asks. Kenma nods his head in response to Bokuto.

"Oh really now? Oh look Y/n's over there," Akaashi sits down next to Kenma and points over to a random place behind him. Unconsciously he turned his head to see if you were actually there or not. He wasn't surprised to see that you weren't in his sight. He knew that if you were he would have found himself paying attention to you the whole time instead of conversing with his friends. "Hey dingus, she's not actually there," Akaashi intrudes.

"I knew that," Kenma responded.

"Then why'd you look?" Kuroo asks.

"Because I could."

"Yeah, but you didn't have to, you know that right?"

Kenma nods his head. He returns to picking at his food, hoping that none of the boys would ask him any more questions about how he's feeling. Even if he wanted your name to be brought up, he wished that they wouldn't talk about you either. "So what's with you and Malia?" he changes the topic from him to Akaashi.

"What does Malia have to do with any of this?" he furrowed his brows.

"Because you like her," kenma states. His face didn't change in expression as he looked at Akaashi.

"Wait, hold up, I thought you liked Allison." Kuroo motions his arm in front of him.

"He does. Doesn't...anymore," Kenma says. He was unsure about how to respond to Kuroo. It was all too confusing for him to understand in the first place.

"WHY would I still like Allison, especially after all this time," Akaashi asks.

"I don't know, you tell me," Kenma suggests.

"Why does everyone keep thinking I have feelings for her?!"

"You talk about her a lot," Bokuto says.

"You only look at her when she's around," Kuroo adds.

"Plus you're being defensive right now," Kenma spoke.

"OKAY AND? How about the fact that Kenma does the same exact thing when Y/n's around!" Akaashi blurts. Kenma looks up at him. His lips were parted and his pupils were dilated. He didn't expect Akaashi to say that.

"Next topic," Kenma says. He turns to look away from everyone. The beating in his heart starts to form again. The same one that always occurs when you are near him, or whenever he would catch you doing something he found cute. It was the same one that would happen when you and him would catch each other's glances in the crowd of people in the gym and the cafeteria.

"So how are you feeling about y/n and Tsukishima being together?" Akaashi asks.

"Fine. I'm happy for her, them," Kenma lies.

"Hey, Allison. I have a question," Akaashi pulls Allison near them by the arm.

"Hmm. What is it?" she asks.

"Does Kenma seem sad to you?" Allison looks at the boy and backs up at Akaashi.

"He seems to be done with you boys," she shrugs her shoulders.

"Well he always seems to be done with us so that doesn't really help ALLISON," Bokuto declares. He snaps his finger in a zigzag motion. Allison rolls her eyes. She tucks the front strands of her hair behind her ears and leans down to fix her shoe. Allison straightens herself up and leans her head on Akaashi shoulder.

"So did you two kiss?" she asks. Kenma looks over at her. He doesn't say anything. He knew that Allison already knew that you and him didn't kiss. Even if the both of you did kiss he wouldn't have forgiven himself, especially if he was the one to make the move first. He could never kiss someone who was already in a relationship.

"Oh no we didn't," Kenma replies. He gets up and heads off to find you.

He walks over to the trash to throw his food away. As he dumped everything in he could hear your faint voice off in the corner. It sounded like you were laughing about something stupid. He doesn't want to intrude on your behalf, but something in him made him want to take a look at what could have possibly made you laugh. He peaks from behind the wall that was beside him. In front of him, he saw you and Tsukishima. The two of you were kissing one another. Kenma saw how you would pull apart from the middle blocker's lips and smile lightly.

From the way the sunlight shines down upon you, he was able to see the faint blush that kissed your cheeks. It was noticeable when you were smiling. He saw how your eyes looked up at Tsukishimas. Your eyes seemed like it was only staring at his. It was as if he was the only one you would be able to look at in a crowd of people. Kenma thought as if you wouldn't be able to deal with seeing you like this, not in front of him at least. The boy leaned back on the wall and rested his head.

His mind went back to the night before and the little conversations you two would exchange in class or in the hallways to lunch. He couldn't wait for the training camp to be over so he would be able to get you all to himself without Tsukishima being in the way. He knew it was selfish of him but he didn't care about that. He didn't care if you were in a relationship or if you weren't. All he wanted was for you to be next to him. Even for a minute. It was all he was asking for at the moment. He wished to feel the softness of your skin touching his, whether it was by accident or not. He wished to hold you in his palms as he pulled you into a kiss that was given by him.

Kenma was able to still hear your voice. He could hear all the sweet little nothings you whispered to Tsukishima. He hated it. 

𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮 → 𝙠.𝙆𝙀𝙉𝙈𝘼Where stories live. Discover now