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"KENMA!" You look up from your paper to see Lev running through the door. You lean close to Kenma whispering the words good luck to him before getting up from your seat. 

"Hi, Lev," you say, taking a step out of the class. You didn't bring anything with you, since you were only going to go get food from your locker.

You were about to walk back into the classroom, but a hand grabs you by your arms and drags you down the hall. "What the hell are you doing?" You yell, trying to get out of the person's grasp. You kept on fighting to see if they would let you go, but it was no use. You look up behind you to see that Kurro was the guy dragging you.


"Were here" he says, dropping your arms suddenly making you fall down. You kept a tight hold of your food when you landed on the floor. You thought if you were hurt it was fine, but if your food was the thing that got ruined you would have beaten Kuroo right at that moment. You check your food to see if it was in good shape and to your luck it was.

"Why did you drag me here Kuroo?" you got up brushing the dirt off your uniform.

"Oh coach wants to talk to you"

"So you chose to kidnap me, and ruin my lunch?" Kuroo opens his mouth slightly but shuts it the second after when coach Nekomata opens the gym's doors. The two of you look to see the Coach giving both of you a wide grin. You knew that there was no escape now.

"You wanted to see me, Coach?" You straighten yourself up.

"Yes. L/N, I was wondering if you would like to become the manager."

"Um, Coach, why are you asking exactly," he looks at you, keeping his smile. You turn your head over to Kuroo for an answer, but it seems as if he didn't know what was happening either.

 "Your friend, Tsukishima, suggested that you would be the perfect candidate to become a manager." You look at the Coach in shock. You knew that Allison wanted you to join the team, but you never thought she would have called the school to suggest that you would be captain.

 "You don't have to make a decision right now obviously. If you are willing to join, here is the sign-up form." he hands you two papers to fill out. You smile, nodding, taking the papers out of his hands. Coach Nekomta nods back and reminds Kuroo to make sure Kenma goes to practice.

"I'm going to kill her," you say.


8:30, you read on the clock. It had been five hours since you got home, and you were stuck on what to write on the form Coach Nekomata gave you. You look down at the paper in front of you, contemplating on what to write. In about four hours all you wrote was your name and the year you were in. You switched from multiple places in your house, trying to see which part would help generate some ideas on what to put down. You are currently lying on your bed, clicking away at the pen in your hand as your eyes find it's way to the bright screen of your phone. Your eyes switch from your phone to the papers and back to your phone. You were done with trying to figure out what to put down and chose to call Allison.

"What the hell did you sign me up for?" You ask when Allison answers.

"I signed you up to have a life?" you can imagine the look Allison has on her face without her being in front of you. You sigh. "Why would you do that though? I don't remember giving consent". You flip over on the bed, having your back on your sheets, waiting for Allison to talk.

"Would you believe me if I said Akaashi made me?" You knew that was a lie. 


"What why" she whines from her side of the phone. Did she really think I'm that stupid, you thought. "It's Akaashi, and you don't like to talk to people. You just do".

𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮 → 𝙠.𝙆𝙀𝙉𝙈𝘼Where stories live. Discover now