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You had watched him walk down the hill, leaving you to be alone once again. This time though it didn't feel stressful. You didn't feel like you needed to worry. You lay down on the grass and close your eyes. You felt the breeze flow past you, kissing the skin of your body. You couldn't remember the last time you felt this peaceful. You felt so calm at the moment and you wish you could say it made you feel happy and nice, but it didn't. In truth, it scared you in a way. To feel calm. It wasn't natural for you. You knew that even if you felt like nothing bad could happen to you and you knew that this was too good for it to be true.

You flutter your eyes open and sigh. You laid there for a moment longer before getting up off of the grass. You look over to the school to see that the lights were getting turned off. You start to head back down to the concrete of the school grounds. You head down to the girl's bathroom and get ready for bed. You showered, brushed your teeth, and dried your hair with the towel in your hand once you had your clothes on. Before heading out you looked at yourself in the mirror. You could see your reflection staring back at you. You noticed all your flaws in the mirror and you hated it. Your breathing started to become harsher and you felt like you needed to sneeze and sigh at the same time.

"Hey," you look to see who was walking in behind you. It was one of the managers from Karasuno. Kiyoko Shimizu, you remember her name being.

"Hey. I'll be in the room in a minute," you responded.

"Oh, no don't worry I just came here to grab my hairbrush that I accidentally left in here," she grabs the purple one that was resting next to the sink you were using. "You okay?" she asks.

You took a deep breath in and let it out. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired."

"Oh well, you should get some rest. We have a big day tomorrow," Kiyoko heads to the door.

"Yeah, you too. Good night," you gave her a smile.

"Good night."  Was the last thing she said before disappearing from your sight.

You walk out of the bathroom a couple of minutes after Kiyoko did. You walk down the hallway trying to make as little noise as you could so you wouldn't wake up anyone. You would rather die than have to deal with one of the boys, especially Yaku waking up and telling you to shut up or something along those lines.

Once you made it to the room you and the other managers were sleeping in, you opened the door hoping that it wouldn't creak. You saw everyone laying there. On the floor. Silently. They all looked as if they were out cold and nothing would or could wake them up even if anyone tried to. You tiptoed your way to your futon. You laid down and took out your phone. You looked at the clock to read that it was already midnight. "Wow time moves fast I guess," you thought. You turn down the brightness of your phone and turn your body to the side where the girls wouldn't be able to see the light and get woken up by it. You look at your phone to see that someone texted you.

Unknown number:

Hey, you still up?



Unknown number:

It's Tsukishima. Kei.

You hover your fingers over the letter "O" and "H". You thought about what to say next. It was hard though. You had tried to ignore him for the past day. You were hoping he wasn't texting you to ask you why. You knew if he did ask, you wouldn't be able to give him an answer. You didn't know yourself. You didn't know if you like him or you just fancied him just because of his looks. You couldn't lie. He and Allison got the good-looking genes that run in their family. Not only that but people always seemed to be drawn to them for some reason. You knew that both of them have people falling for both of them left and right. You found it annoying at times though, but in a way, you felt jealous too. It was unfair that Allison was able to have people coming out from left and right wanting to talk to her or be friends with her. Sure some hated her but most loved her for some reason. You understood why though. She acted the girl every guy would want to date and every girl envied. She had the looks, money, heart (sometimes), but she was also pretty dumb at times and selfish. You snaped yourself out of the state you were when you heard a ding come from your phone.

𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮 → 𝙠.𝙆𝙀𝙉𝙈𝘼Where stories live. Discover now