3 - kiss me in secret

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Narrator POV

"No one can see us." Y/n whispered. 

She ran through the castle with Chris, taking him to her secret garden. They ran hand in hand and smiled like a pair of dorks. 

Since yesterday, Y/n was very excited to show Chris her garden. They learned more about each other at the small cafe but it was pretty basic information. They both planned on getting to know each other in more depth today. 

Y/n has taken no one to her secret garden. Not even Rossana. Not even the castle's gardeners were aware of the secret space she created as a teenager. During puberty, Y/n was constantly on her own. Because she wanted to. She enjoyed silence and her thoughts only. She did research and learned about different plants. Y/n learned how to grow plants and flowers, and how to maintain them. She planted large bushes to create some walls. They were the same bushes the gardeners had planted around the palace's general gardens. The castle's workers thought those new bushes formed part of the normal garden walls and suspected nothing. She placed swings under the bush roof she planted and placed a few benches around. The spot where you could find the bush roof was pretty small. She only needed it for the swings. And whenever it rained, she'd throw a bed sheet on top of it and rested there until the rain stopped. Years later and her secret place remained unknown to everyone. Was it risky to take Chris there? Of course. Now it wouldn't only be her place. It would also be the place she shares with Chris. 

The Princess never considered herself the type of person who falls in love fast. But something about the actor made her heart beat differently.


I carefully opened the bush door to my garden and turned to look at Chris. He was behind me the entire time. 

"Here it is." I smiled excitedly and walked in. I gestured to Chris and after he came in, I closed the door. 

"Woah." He said, mesmerized by the beauty of all the flowers.

"They're beautiful, aren't they?" I stood next to him, staring at a few roses.

"Absolutely." He turned to me and I could tell he was staring. I turned to gaze at him, and as soon as I did, he looked down. I giggled and saw his cheeks turn red.

Chris followed me as I walked to the swings and sat in one of them. I had only placed two swings in the garden, back when I was a teenager. I always dreamed of the idea of bringing someone special here. Which is why I brought Chris. It might seem ridiculous. I met him two days ago, and he's special to me already? I know, it's crazy. But he makes me feel like a teenager in love. When teenagers are in love, they don't care about how much time they've known each other. They just care about being together. It's very spontaneous.

Chris sat in the swing next to mine and we slightly moved them. We were both staring at the blue sky and enjoying the birds chirping.

"Who knows about this place?" He asked me.

I kept looking at the sky. "No one. Except for you."

He turned to look at me and softly smiled. "If no one knows about this place, why did you bring me? I love it. But if it's so special to you, why show it to me?"

I thought of a reason, but not even I knew why I brought him here. Yes, I might have a crush on him, but not even my parents know about this place. Not even Thomas.

I shook my head and whispered, "I don't know. It just felt... right."

Chris kept looking at me, and it worried me he could hear my heart beat. It was beating loudly and faster than ever. For the first time since we got here, I turned to him and looked him in the eye. 

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