6 - love me forever (smut)

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*warning - smut*


After ordering hot chocolate, Chris and I went for a stroll around the town where my father was born. It was nighttime by now, but I didn't want the day to end.

He was telling me about his anxiety and how he learned how to deal with it. I was proud of him for learning how to deal with something that must've been hard.

"But it was a few rough years. Sometimes I would be at public events and I'd get really anxious. It was not a pleasant feeling at all." He explained, taking a sip of his hot chocolate afterwards.

"I'm proud of you for learning how to control it. I know it's a struggle and I'm proud of you for not giving up." I remarked. Chris smiled at me and turned back to his cup, taking another sip of hot chocolate.

We walked around the town's park in a comfortable silence. Without a warning, Chris reached for my hand and held it in his. I could feel the temperature of my cheeks going up. I interlaced my fingers with his and moved closer to him.

"It's so peaceful here." He sighed in contentment.

I smiled and talked in a low tone. It was almost a whisper. "Yeah. That's why I love coming here. Everyone is just minding their own business, you know?"

Chris nodded in response, and I placed my head on his shoulder as we walked.

"Y/n?," he asked, and I answered with a hum, "This might sound weird and completely rushed, but... I think I'm falling in love with you."

My eyes widened and my heart started beating faster. I stopped walking and because of our intertwined hands, Chris stopped, too.

"Y-you are?" I stuttered.

Chris nodded. "Yeah. And it's totally okay if you don't feel the s-"

I grinned and interrupted Chris by pushing my lips against his. The kiss was powerful, and our lips moved in perfect sync. Chris let go of my hand and placed it on my waist. I moved mine to the back of his neck and deepened the kiss.

After we pulled back for air, we rested our foreheads together. "I'm falling in love with you, too," I whispered.

"That's why I told my mother about you." I smiled and bit my lip.

Chris returned the smile and kissed me again. This time, the kiss was soft and slow. Our surroundings disappeared, and it felt as if it was just the two of us in the park.

Chris POV

After a while, I finally confessed my feelings to Y/n. I finally told her I'm falling in love with her. To my surprise, she reciprocates those feelings. It surprised me because we haven't known each other for long. Most people would say it's rushed and they might be right. But sometimes it just feels right. I can't explain how or why, but it just feels like we were meant to meet each other.

Y/n pulled back from the kiss and gave me a mischievous look. I raised my brow in response and asked, "A penny for your thoughts?"

She giggled and whispered in my ear, "Why don't we go back to the castle?"

I immediately smirked and pecked her lips. "If that's what you really want."

Y/n giggled and nodded. This woman is driving me crazy and I'm not complaining. Whatever happens once we're in the castle will be amazing. Even if it's just looking at paintings. Because any second I get to spend with Y/n, makes me feel like the luckiest and happiest man alive.

Narrator POV

After successfully sneaking Chris into your bedroom, you didn't waste any second. Chris locked the doors and your lips met his in a passionate kiss. His hands were resting on your waist, pulling you close to him. He pressed your body to his, and you didn't mind at all.

As you placed your hands on his neck, you felt his tongue graze your lower lip. Without hesitating, you granted the access and his tongue explored your mouth. You moaned into his mouth and unbuttoned his shirt. After helping him undress, he delicately took your clothes off and kissed each part of your body that was naked.

You stumbled into bed, and he hovered over you, kissing your neck gently. Satisfied with your neck, he moved to your breasts, kissing each of them gently and swirling his tongue on your nipples. You arched your back and gave him more access to your chest. After hearing you moan softly, he pulled back and looked you in the eyes.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He whispered. Your lips were almost touching and you could feel his breath hitting your lower lip.

You nodded, "Yes. I'm sure."

Chris smirked and kissed you with more hunger than ever. One of his hands was holding your left thigh. He used his right hand to support himself on the bed.

It is tradition in the Royal Family to be intimate after marriage. If your parents ever found out about this, you'd be in big trouble. Your mother wouldn't be that mad, considering she did the same thing with your father. They even had to get married earlier because her baby bump was showing. Obviously proving they had done it before the wedding ceremony. But your father would be extremely mad. Not only because you're promised in marriage to Thomas, but because his precious daughter did the dirty before marriage. But you didn't care. Being with Chris felt right. You felt safe, comforted, and above all, you felt loved.

Chris pulled back and looked you in the eyes. You nodded in approval and soon felt his length slowly enter you. You gasped at the feeling, and Chris let out a moan. He moved to kiss your neck and whispered, "If it hurts, or if you want me to slow down, just tell me."

You nodded and closed your eyes. "Move." You said.

Chris thrusted in and out of you at a slow pace. Now and then he moaned your name and left sweet kisses on your neck and chest. As time passed, you moaned louder and louder. Chris made you feel a type of pleasure that you had never felt before, and you were grateful for how gentle he was. He never picked up the pace unless you told him to. He made sure you were enjoying it and let you know how much he loved you.

Soon, you were both reaching your climax. Chris felt your walls tighten around him and kissed you softly. You came and moaned into his mouth.

"Chris-" You gasped. Your legs were shaking with pleasure and you soon felt Chris coming on your stomach.

After you both came down from your high, you looked up at him with a raised brow. Wondering why he came on your stomach and not inside you.

As if reading your thoughts, he explained, "I wasn't sure if you wanted to get pregnant just yet." He smirked and pecked your lips.

"I don't." You laughed, and he chuckled.

Chris moved you to the pillows and laid beside you. He took you in his arms and drew circles on your shoulders with his thumb.

After a few minutes, he asked, "Y/n?"

You hummed in response. Your eyes were closed, and you were falling asleep.

"I'm really falling in love with you." He was sure that his feelings for you were strong. Having you in his arms made him realize he wanted to cuddle you and love you for the rest of his life. He wasn't sure about marriage yet, of course. But all he wanted was for that exact moment to last forever.

"I'm falling in love with you too, Evans." You replied and snuggled into him even more.

Chris smiled to himself and kissed your forehead. He pulled the covers over both of you and took you in his arms again.

Soon, you both fell into a comfortable sleep. And wished that everything could remain just as perfect the next morning.

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