7 - betrayal

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Narrator POV

The pair of lovers woke up to a loud banging on the bedroom door.

Y/n jolted awake. Her heart was beating faster than ever. She was laying in bed next to Chris and neither of them had clothes on. If anyone were to walk in, they'd know exactly what happened last night.

"Chris... wake up. Someone's outside." She whispered.

The actor groaned and slowly opened his eyes.

"Hide in the dressing room. Go!" She hurried him out of bed. Chris grabbed his boxers from the floor and after putting them on, he hid in the dressing room, grabbing the rest of his clothes on the way.

Y/n put her nightgown and silk robe on. She hurried to the door and opened it, revealing a very concerned Thomas.


"Tommy, good morning!" I exclaimed in surprise.

"Can I come in? And you can tell Chris to come out." Thomas was clearly nervous, and I was trying to decipher the reason.

My mind was trying to figure out how he knew about Chris, but I let him come into the room.

"How do you-" I asked, soon interrupted by him.

"Chris, come out please." Thomas raised his voice slightly, and it took little time for Chris to reveal himself, with more than just boxers on.

"Thomas, what's going on?" Extremely confused and nervous, I asked.

"Your father. He knows about you two."

My eyes widened, and I felt my heart beating harder against my chest. Both Chris and I remained in a silent shock.

"I overheard Rosie telling him. She told him you were sneaking around together and that Chris spent the night with you. I guess she walked in to wake you up and found you in bed together."

My eyes widened even more. Rosie? I trust her with my life and she was the one who told my father? She's been with me since the day I was born. Why would she do this to me?

My mother hadn't talked with him yet, but maybe she had to confess earlier than expected because of Rosie's gossip. Could she possibly convince my father of dissolving the arrangement once and for all?

"Sweetheart, we'll figure out a way-" Chris walked towards me.

"Figure out a way? My father is going to speed up the arrangement now! He could have you imprisoned and he might marry me to Thomas sooner!" I started walking in circles out of desperation.

"That bitch! How dare she do this to us?" Tears started falling down my cheeks.

Chris walked towards me and took me in a tight embrace. He kissed my forehead and tried to soothe me. But my cries and sobs just got worse.

How foolish can I be? I really thought everything would be perfectly fine, but I should've known. Nothing has ever been easy as a Princess. Why would this be any different?

"Y/n, we have to talk with your mom." Chris suggested.

"I agree. She's the only one that can help stop the arrangement and stop your father from doing something to Chris."

I shook my head as more tears ran down my cheeks. My mind wasn't concentrating on what they were saying. So I just ran to the only place where I could be on my own. The place that could hide me from everything that was happening. I didn't look back, but I could hear Thomas and Chris yelling after me, trying to get my attention. My legs never stopped running until I arrived at my safe place. The cozy garden I had built in my teenage years.

After making sure the entrance was closed, I fell to my knees and sobbed. I didn't care what happened to me, but thoughts of what could happen to Chris flooded my mind. Even though it didn't have any justification, my father could imprison him. And that wouldn't even be the worst-case scenario. I was angry at myself for involving Chris in this conflict. If anything happened to him, I would never forgive myself.

What hit harder was remembering who caused this mess. How could she do that? Why would she do that? A few days ago she told me to be careful when sneaking around with Chris and now she's telling my father? I couldn't comprehend why she'd betray me like that. Because of the partial anger I was feeling towards her, all I wanted was to kick her out of the castle.

I don't know how long I was in the garden crying, but I heard the entrance open and close. I didn't even raise my head up to see who it was. As I cried, all the energy I once had escaped my body. But I knew it was him. He was the only one I showed this place to. I heard footsteps coming towards me, and I felt him sit down beside me.

He let out a heavy sigh. "Sweetheart?"

I didn't answer. The ability to speak seemed impossible to me. I felt guilty for dragging him into this mess.

Yet again, he let out another sigh. "Thomas went to find your mom. He's gonna talk with her and see what she can do."

I gave him no response. What was I supposed to say or do? The last thing I wanted to be was hopeful. Last time I was hopeful was when my mother agreed to help us. I hoped that the arrangement would be dissolved and I could enjoy my relationship with Chris without having to worry about getting caught. And now look at the mess we're in.

A sudden thought crossed my mind and even though it was crazy, I'd do it if it meant to stay with Chris. After last night, after how loved he made me feel, I would not let him go without a fight. I would not let him go at all.

I raised my head and looked straight ahead to a rosebush. After a few seconds I turned and looked him dead in the eye, "Let's run away."


Hello everyone! Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Now that school is over I'll be updating more often. Ily! <3

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