9 - lost love

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Never in my life have I been this nervous.

What if Chris didn't want to come back? And if he came back with me to the castle, would my father do something to him? What if he already left? What if this is actually over?

Stop overthinking! My subconscious yelled at me.

I bounced my knee the entire time there and my palms sweated. Amber tried comforting me and telling me everything would work out, but it was of no use. I was still anxious.

Once the limousine stopped in front of the airport doors, I hurriedly got out and ran inside. People gave me weird looks and after a few seconds they had their phones out. I guess it's not normal to see the Princess running frantically across the airport.

After checking the screen and learning which boarding gate the Boston flight was in, I ran to find him, hoping that he hadn't left yet.

My heart beat faster as I neared the gate his flight was in, and once I reached it, it felt like it stopped beating.

The airport worker was closing the gate, and the airplane moved.

"No." I whispered to myself, on the verge of tears.

I ran to the enormous glass window, hoping that he'd notice me through one window, and called me, giving me the chance to explain it all to him.

The plane kept moving, and after a few minutes, my phone rang. I desperately got it out of my pocket, only to be disappointed when I recognized Thomas' name instead of Chris.

With a defeated sigh, I answered and turned back to the limousine.

"Did you find him?" Thomas sounded hopeful.

"He left." But I sounded defeated.

The line was silent. I could tell that Thomas was trying his best to think of what to say to comfort me. But no matter what anyone said, nothing could erase the ache I endured for losing my first love. And I somehow knew that no one else would ever make me feel like Chris did. Deep down, I knew that this would be my only love.

I hung up and walked out of the airport. As soon as I was inside the limousine, I could feel the stare of the newly wed couple. Thankfully, they said nothing during the entire ride, and neither did I.

I was planning on calling him either way to talk about the wedding and the dissolution of the arrangement. But would it be worth it? He was going back to his home, and I doubted that he'd get on another plane to get back here.

But he loves you! Of course he'll come back!, my subconscious reminded me. But my miserable mood paid no attention to her and doubted his love for me.


You can already imagine how furious Thomas' parents were when they found out about the impromptu wedding. Both of his parents and my dad were screaming hysterically while my mother and I just smirked in the background and laughed amongst ourselves. Amber's parents were there too, and despite their surprise at the marriage, they confronted the evil trio of parents and defended the newlyweds.

"Where's Chris?" My mother whispered amid all the chaos.

"How dare you have a wedding without even consulting us!" Thomas' mother cried.

I looked down to my feet and whispered back, "On his way to Boston."

My mother's eyes widened, and she put her arm behind my shoulders, giving me a half hug.

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