chapter 1

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Alexis pov

"Alexis get up before I come up there and get you myself chile" my mom shouted from down stairs

I got up because I know she is that crazy and when she's angry trust me you wouldn't want to be in my shoe, I started stripping out of my night clothes and went to take a shower about 15min later I got out dry off put on my underwear and bra then I lotion and decided to wear a pleated skirt and a long sleeve worm shirt with it

I got up because I know she is that crazy and when she's angry trust me you wouldn't want to be in my shoe, I started stripping out of my night clothes and went to take a shower about 15min later I got out dry off put on my underwear and bra then ...

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After I was done i straighten my black hair and apply clear lip gloss on my lips, once I was finish I grab my bag back and went down stairs.

"Good morning mom and dad" I said smiling

"Good morning honey" they said at the same time.

"So are you excited for you first day of your new school" my dad ask while putting down his newspaper.

"well yeah I guess" I said simply.

"okay guys come on before we're all late" my mom said rushing us.

My mom and dad are both lawyers so we are wealthy I'm not the type to brag about it but it's good because I like the fact that I can actually buy what I want and need.

As we were pulling up to the school I soon realize that the principal of this school must be rich and also the the kids that go here.

"Okay kiddo go before your late" my dad said

"Ok bye" I said kissing them both on their cheeks getting out and watching them drive off.

"Okay let's do this" I said to myself.

As I'm making my way to fine the office I bump into someone and fell right on my ass. I looked up to meet their eyes

"God I am so sorry" the girl that bumped into me said helping up.

" it's fine" I said smiling a little

" I'm jada by the way " she said holding out her hands for me to shake

" I'm alexis" I said shaking her hands.

"Oh you are the new girl" she ask.

"yes" I said

" oh let's me show you to the office" she said

"yeah thanks " I said

A little time skip, I'm lazy don't judge me🙂

" so where are you from" jada ask we are now in second period according to out schedule we have all the same classes together.

"I'm from New York but I moved here like two weeks ago" I said

"oh she said nodding

"so uhh- I was about to speak but someone walk in all heads was turn to the classroom door.

" nice of you to join us logan" the teacher said to the hot girl that just walked in to say she was pretty was an understatement she was georgous.

"Damn" I mumbled

She saw me and smirked before walking off to the back where her friends were leaving me like a read tomato.

"who is that" I ask jada

"oh that's logan jerffery the bad ass of the school rumors say she has a dick which is true but she ain't care because the girls love it I mean can you blame them have you seen her " jada said smiling

"damn must be some dick then" I said looking back at her she caught me staring again but this time she wink, I turn around so fast nearly broke my god damn neck.

Don't judge me guys this is my first actual book so if you see any wrong spelling or anything just message me or you can comment down below




Hope you guys are staying safe

Alexis above👆

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