Chapter 11

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Alexis pov

I messed up and I messed up bad


So like two days ago I went to this club because the girls wanted to have a girls night we were dancing on each other when this guy come over and said he wanted to dance or if he could buy me a drink


"Hi lil mama" this dude came up to me and said

"Don't call me that and what do you want" I said with an attitude

"Feisty I like it" I said smiling fucking dude look like joker

I scuffed then turn away to continue dancing with the girls but then he stop me

"Wanna dance" he ask

" No don't you see me having fun already" I said pointing to all of us dancing

" Ok can I at least buy you a drink" he said still smiling

Damn does this man has a smiling problem but I don't see anything wrong with just one drink i was thirsty anyways one drink won't hurt right

" I guess but that's it" I said glaring up at him

" Girl don't do it you know Daniel ass crazy and crazy enough to kill someone" Riley said and the rest nodded in agreement

" Yeah i know but one drink won't hurt right" I walk away before they even get a chance to reply

We reach the counter then he Pais for the drink then we started talking get to know each other better and by the time we were both tipsy not drunk cause we know what we were doing

I wonder if Daniel's doing ok maybe she's fine cause she said she was going to hang out with the guys

"Let's get out of here" he whispered in my ears

"Sure let's go" I said just simple shrugging my shoulders I don't even know why I agree to this maybe it was the alcohol but I wasn't drunk

"Where are you going" Jada said grabbing my arm

"What does it look like I'm doing I'm going to have some fun" I said looking at her smiling a little

"Are you drunk"June ask this time 

"No I'm not now move" I said angrily

After I did that then we headed outside he take me his car then he started up his car two minutes into it he started rubbing on my thighs then I don't know what came over me I just wanted him to touch me

The like an hour or so he drove into this big ass drive way and just oh my god it's really big and fancy we got he walk up to his front dear without saying anything after he was done opening and closing it he turned to me then look me right in the eyes i shudder under his gaze then out of nowhere I felt two arms wrapped around my thighs then lift me up in his arms then  one thing lead to another then we started kissing taking off each other clothes and what not

Then I started think about Daniel and how she might feel and how hurt she would be because she just open up to me and told be about her past relationships how they cheated on her but right now I didn't care what she don't know won't hurt her.

End of flashback

I feel so guilty right now because I know I've hurt her and even though she's the bad girl of the school she still have a soft spot

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