chapter 4

638 15 3

Logan pov

Ring Ring Ring

I was awoken by my phone going off I reach over to it without looking at the caller id

Riley: girl are you still sleeping
Me: not anymore but that's besides the point what do you want
Riley: damn grumpy much anyways can you pick me up
Me:what about june
Riley:she actually slept over but didn't bring her car
Me:wha- you know what I don't even wanna know I'll come pick you up but I have to go and pick up alexis first
Riley- what is-
I hany up on her cause I know she was gonna say something slick I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to do my morning routine 15min later I was out and put on my boxers and sports bra and but on my gray nike suit

Cause I didn't feel like dressing up today i put on my shoes and spray a little colone then grab my bag back and headed downstairs to find a empty house as usual I rolling my eyes at nothing and pick up an apple and head out to my lamborghini

As I got into my car I heard my phone started ringing I look over at see who is calling a smile forms it's way on my face when I realize it's  alexis

Alexis:where are you
Me: I'm just around the corner  coming so you can come out
Alexis:ok hurry up I'm cold as hell
And with that she ended the call
Damn she aggressive  I reached her street and I saw her waiting she look so cute you know what make me stop, I honked and she looked over and saw me

Hi" I said smiling
Hi" she replied back

"Did you eat yet" I ask

No" she said

"So you wanna get breakfast with me" I ask

"Free food can't let that past me " she said chuckling a little.

" Oh your a foodie" I said laughing

"Yes but am still skinny" she said also laughing a little

"Yeah you are skinny but your ass is fat though" I said making her blush

" Your cute when you blush you know that" that just make her redder

I smirked at that

" If you don't stop my face is gonna stay like this" she said hiding her face

"Don't hide from me baby girl " I said looking over at her biting my lip then looking back at the road

We just met and I'm already falling for her come on logan jerffery what's wrong with you

You falling  my inner voice said

No I'm not

You know you are





Ugh maybe I am

Haha I always win

Yeah whatever now go away

You just mad because I won

I mentally roll my eyes at myself

Ok maybe I am falling for her but I don't want her getting hurt, maybe if we take things slow without my no good of a mother finding out, but that would be hard

Ugh what am I going to do I thought

Alexis pov

As I was looking outside I thought about logan, yes she is the bad girl of the school but she is also mysterious, and it just makes me wanna help her more. I look over at her and see that she has her left hand  on the steering wheel and the right hand in her hair she look so damn sexy right now God i just wanna-her voice pull me out of my thoughts

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