Chapter 9

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Daniel's pov

So it's been three months since I've made alexis my girlfriend but I haven't open up to her as yet I wanted to but I'm scared suppose she leave but right now I'm  over by the boys house so let's just see where the rest of the day takes us

"Yo daniel have you told alexis about you know what yet" Nathan ask

him and Jada made it official a month after I ask alexis and Riley and June are in a relationship I didn't even know they liked each other and Ethan found a girl also I think her name is Sarah and Jake finally came out to all of us that he's gay I wasn't shock because I knew already

"No I haven't" I said frowning they knew about what happen they saved me

"You know you gotta tell her at some point right" he said looking at me

"Yeah I know but what if she leaves me because of the things i went through" I said cause some people are like that

"She won't and if she do you still got us" he said smiling

"Okay I trust you but I'm gonna go now, I'm gonna tell her soon I just want some air" I said running a hand through my long black hair

"Okay but if anything goes wrong call us ok" Ethan said and the rest of them nodded

I said by to them and went into my car putting my head on the steering wheel

Ok stop being a pussy and just tell her already I thought

At Daniel's house

"Hey are you ok, you look stress" alexis said

"Yeah I'm fine" I said going upstairs

"Umm no we are not doing this today you are going to tell me right here and right now" she said following me

" I'm not ready yet I told you that" I said frustrated

"Everytime you said your fine I can see right through that you're not so tell me what's up" she said sighing

I sighed

"Why won't you just open up to me for once I'm tired of you shutting me out" she asked with tears threatening to fall

"Do you really want to know that bad" I ask she nodded eagerly im also tired of me shutting her out

"Ok then but brace yourself this is going to be hard and emotional

Daniel's past

" Daniel come down here you little piece of shit" the woman that gave birth to me said

She always treats me badly and called me some ungodly names

"Yes ma'am" I said with my head down

She never really liked when I look at her she always said I'm disgusting and the worst child ever so I stopped looking at her

"Why isn't the house cleaned liked I told you to" she said coming near to my face I could smell the alcohol on her breath

"Because I was cutting the yard like you said and then I was taking a rest" I said to her knowing what was coming after

"You were resting did I tell you that you could rest" she said angrily then slapping me in the face

At this point I wanted my dad because he always take me away from her and let me stay with him

I was tired


And feel like I wanted to die just to get out of her way

After she finish beating me she said

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