Chapter 7

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Logan's pov

"So what you wanna do now since as we don't of to get up early tomorrow" I asked her

we just came from the airport to see her parents off

"I don't let's just order pizza and watch a tv and see where it goes from there" she said looking up at me

" Your so cute with your short little self" I said to her laughing once I see her start to blush

"I'm not short so don't call me that" she said pointing a finger at me

"Yes you are short so get out my face with your small self" I said looking down at her and tried to stifle a laugh cause she tried to reach my face

Its cute how she is 5'4 and I'm 6'1 yeah I know its tall for a girl but it's help cause it get me on the basketball team and you of to be at least 5"11

(I'm not even know if that's true sorry for interrupting continue reading)

She just rolled her eyes and went upstairs to maybe take a shower

" Alex do you want a pepperoni pizza" I ask her cause don't know what kind she likes bed in her words (all pizza taste great) yeah she's weird like that

"Yeah that's fine" she shouted back

I ordered the pizza so all we of to do is waite

Soon the pizza came I paid the pizza guy and tipped him

"Thanks" he said

"Yeah no problem" I said closing the door

"Alex pizza is here" I said calling her down

"Yeah I'm coming" she said

I said okay and and went to the kitchen to get us some sodas

"Hey what's this" Alex came down holding up a neckless

Oh god know I really don't want to talk about it

"Don't wanna talk about it right now please can we watch this movies and eat please" I said hoping that she doesn't insist on talking about it

"Ummm yeah okayyy" she said I know she has a lot of questions but I just can't talk bout it right now maybe in the future but not now

"Thanks " I said looking away

" Hey you don't have to talk about it if you don't wanna" she said sitting down next to me and taking my hands in hers

Alexis pov

I really wanted to know and they were so cute on the first day I saw her wearing it but I didn't think much of it but when I saw her last week in the shower she was looking at it and it was li she was here but she wasn't (if that make sense) but was wherever it is I hope she opens up to me.

I really wanted to know and they were so cute on the first day I saw her wearing it but I didn't think much of it but when I saw her last week in the shower she was looking at it and it was li she was here but she wasn't (if that make sense) but w...

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The neckless looks something like this Logan had the fin. Waite is that a fin I don't freaking know😂but anyways beck to the story

"Hey are you finish" she ask

"Yeah I am are you" I ask

"Yeah, look I'm sorry about earlier I just don't like talking about that you know" she said while looking down

"It's okay I get it you'll talk to me when your ready right" I ask her hoping she'll say yes

" Yeah maybe not now but maybe in the future" she said smiling

Not the answer I wanted but it's all good at least she is considering it

"Well it's getting late so let's go upstairs and watch the tv in my room" she said taking our plate to the kitchen

"Okay come on" I said with a sigh

Time to when they are in bed

" - and then I literally rolled down the hill it was so painful oh my god" I said laughing a little

We were currently in bed and I was telling her a story of when I fall down the hill running from a dog

" You serious so what did you do" she ask also laughing and looking at me

"Well I ran to my grandma and she put dressing on it" I said showing her the scars on my forehead and my foot

"Yeah that must be pretty bad" said touching my face

By now our faces are so close we could kiss right there and then

She started leaning in and I started leaning and I don't what happen after that all I know her lips were pressed again mine it was so soft and the way she grabbed me god I could cum right then and there she pulled away and look into my eyes

"You don't know how long I wanted to do that" she said

"Then why didn't you" I said looking at her

She look away for a moment and the look back at me and said

"I don't know" she said still looking lost

"Why do you look so lost in thoughts all the time" I said but immediately regretted it because her eyes went wide

"Let's just go to bed" she said spooning me kissing my forehead

I smile a little but I know something is up and its bothering her I'm just gonna give her some space

Hey but guess what at least something came out of tonight I got to kiss her I smile and touch my lips

Gosh she's such a good kisser waite what if she realizes what she did and day it was a mistake

I started overthinking. You know I'm just gonna go to bed and just hope she doesn't freak out tomorrow

I was about to close my eyes but I heard something that have worried

" I'll keep you safe I of to " she said holding me tighter

Keep me safe

From what

Well that was something well tell me how you feel about this chapter was good





Jake above👆

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