chapter 10

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Alexis pov

" What's up guys it's your girl alexis here and right now I'm about to prank Daniel cause she woke up in a good mode today and finna ruin it" I said doing an evil smile

"So I'm gonna be doing the hickey prank on her" I said smiling nervously

"So I already did it look I don't know if you guys can see it but- wait let me fix this camera ok we good now" I said showing them the hickey that I made

"Yo she finna kill me cause she crazy *laugh* yup in finna die but you guys better come to my funeral" I said seriously

As I was talking my phone ping signalling I got a message it's from babe

Babe you want anything cause I'm at McDonald's

Yeah just get me whatever you're getting

Ok love you

I left her on read because I'm that bitch she started blowing up my phone because I always tell her I love her back

" Guys she blowing up my phone asking me why I leave her on read" I said showing my phone to the camera

" Now she knows something is up cause I keep leaving her on read" I said

Soon I hear a car pulled up


"Ok guys she's here I'm so nervous" I said running to hide the camera behind the plants then run to sit on the couch I heard keys jiggle and she came in taking her shoes off

"Why didn't you text me back" she asked putting our food on the coffee table

And by the ways I'm at her house

"Oh I'm sorry babe I was just cleaning up" I said moving my hair to the side so she can see the hickey

"Oh so-

She was about to say something but cut herself off I turned to see what she's doing and the look she was giving me was dead ass could kill me right now

" Alexis I'm going to ask you this once and only once and you better tell me the truth" she said pointing her finger at me

" What is that on your neck" she ask calmly

Oh no I'm finna die

"I- what are you talking about" I said acting dump

"Don't play dump with me where did you get A FUCKING HICKEY ON YOUR NECK BECAUSE I DIDN'T PUT IT THERE"she shouted getting up

Oh my gosh I'm so scared but I know that she'll not hit me

" I'm sorry babe it just happened" I said acting all guilty and sad

"Your sorry YOUR SORRY how the hell did this even happen" she said looking at me with angry eyes

" I called a friend over and it just happen i-i don't know but I swear when I realized what I did I kicked him out" I said

"OH MY FUCKING GOD WHY WOULD YOU BRING SOMEONE IN MY HOUSE  ESPECIALLY A GUY AT THAT don't you appreciate me" she ask with tears rolling down her face by now I know I pulled a string and it was time to end the prank

" I just open up to you and you do this and I even tell you how I got cheated on many times" she said pushing me but not too hard to  hurt me

"I- I'm-

"Yeah keep your fucking sorry get out" she said with her back to me

"But I just wanna know one more thing I'm I  not good enough what did I do to deserve this ugh" she ask

"Babe it was just a prank" I said smiling and turn her around to show her that's it's fake

"What" she said still mad

" I said it's a prank I was just playing with you " I said taking up the camera

" Y'all I thought she was gonna kill me when she got close to me my heart was beating 100 times faster" I said looking at her

" Yeah keep pranking me like that and imma slam your head in the fucking wall" she said going into the kitchen

"So guys we got what we wanted so imma end it right now so yeah don't forget to like comment and subscribe" I said doing the piece sign and turning off the camera

" You really cried" I said pouting a little

" yes because I thought you really cheated on me bro like you don't understand I would literally kill you and the guy you sleep with" she said in all seriousness and then smile a little but I know she was serious

"Oh babe I would never do that" I said then hugging her

"You better not" she said hugging me back

Daniel's pov

So it's been two week since lex prank me and she's acting weird like really weird like when she come over she just come over to like she doesn't talk to me like she used to anymore and I'm like kind of making me think what could I have possible go wrong

I mean your own person and want your space sometimes but come on I'm your girlfriend but maybe I'm just over reacting

"So babe what do you planing on doing after we graduate" I ask her

"I don't know maybe I'll go into modeling or something like that" she said shrugging her shoulders

We are currently in our last class for the day

I decided to keep quiet for the rest of the time cause I really don't want deal with her mood swings today

After school

"So do you wanna come over and watch a movie with me and maybe get takeout" I ask unlocking the car door so we could get in

"Actually I have some work to finish up can you just drop me off at home"she said looking out the window

"Umm ok" I said confused I have no problem with her going home because she's been at mine for a week but I feel like something is going on I don't know what but I'm going to find out

"Thank you"she said as I park in front of her house

"So you not going to kiss me" I said looking at her

She rolled her eyes then said  and kiss me then she got out I watch he until she was fully in her house the I drove off going home with one thing on my mind

The kiss feels weird



And share

Is something weird going here 

Is Daniel over reacting

Thoughts on alexis

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