Chapter 6

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Logan's pov

"You said you wanted to see me couch" I said school was now over and Avery was by the bleachers waiting for me

"Oh yes I wanted to talk to you about something" he said

I started getting nervous wondering if I did something wrong

He must have seen my face because he said

"Its nothing bad no need to worry" he said laughing a little

I relaxed a little at that

"Okay so what's up" I said getting impatient

"Okay so I wanted you to be the team captain

" But why, why would you choose me" I said confused

"Well because your the best player we have on the basketball team and they need you to help them" he said seriously

And it was true I am the best player they have on this team

By this time all of her teammates were looking waiting for her to say something

" But it's too much work" I said groaning

They laughed at me

" Don't worry kid you'll manage" couch said putting a hand on my shoulder I nodded

"Come one LJ we need you your the best we have come on girl" said Nathan acting girly at the last part

"Fine" I said smiling a bit I guess it won't be that bad

A little time skip

"So what did couch want" lexi ask

"He asked me to be captain" I said opening the car door for her

She blushed while smiling

So cute

"So did you accept it" she ask looking over at me

"Yes because why not and besides they need me as much as I need them" I said starting up the car

"Remember I'm going up by my mom's" she said

"Yeah I remember but what do you say we go get food first" I said

"Yeah that would be great" she said looking out the window

After that we just drive in silence just enjoying each other's company

At alexis house

Alexis pov

We reach my house and I looked over at Logan and I could tell that she was nervous

"Hey it's gonna be okay you'll be fine she'll like you" I say squeezing her hand a little and giving her a soft smile

She took a breath and nodded smiling at me

"Okay let's do this" she said getting out

I got out too and we walked up to the front door as I'm about to open the door my mom opens it with a big smile on her face

"Hey you must be Logan"my mom said hugging her.

"So mom aren't you going to welcome me too" I said joking a little

"Oh hi honey I see you everyday" my mom said waving me off

"Omg I just got replaced by my friend ok no hard feeling" I said while doing a fake cry

"Yeah yeah yeah stop being petty and come inside" my mom said laughing and Logan and I soon join her

"So how are you Mrs summer" Logan said taking taking a seat next to me

" Oh dear please call me jenny and I'm fine thanks for asking" mom said smiling at her

"So mom what did you wanna talk about" I said now sitting up.

"Oh well you remember when I said that your father and I had to take care of a case in new York" she asked

I nodded wanting her to continue

" Well they are gonna make someone else do it, so during that time your father and wanted to take a trip to the Bahamas to celebrate our anniversary that's coming up" she said smiling

Oh I can feel the love that she as for dad I smile at that

"Yeah sure but what's that's got to do with me" I ask kinda confused

" Well I was wondering if you could stay with Logan for a while" she said

I smile at that and so did Logan

" Yeah that would be no problem at all" Logan said looking at me

I smile at her while blushing something about that look tells me she is planning something

" Well that awesome thank you so much Logan " my mom said thanking her

" No problem it wasn't anything" she said smiling at us

I realize she smiles a lot especially when she's with me I guess that something right

"So when are you guys leaving" I ask

" Well we should be leaving soon I'm just waiting on your dad

As if on cue dad came rushing in

"Damn Luke what did I tell you about running in the house when I clean" my mom said smugging my dad

Well damn and he did it again

" I'm sorry babe I just got to get out of these clothes" dad said smiling innocently

"Well hi there" my dad said looking over at Logan

"Oh shit is this Logan Alex" my dad said shaking her hand

She smile nodding at him

"Alex talks about you all the time" dad said

Well damn dad stop embarrassing me

" Dad can you stop your embarrassing me" I said pouting

"Well I hope it's all good things"Logan said still looking at me

Yes the fact that I like you I wanted to say but I kept my mouth shut

"Oh honey did you tell her" my dad said

"Yes I did you should go get backing now"

"Okay so when are you guys coming back" I ask

"Umm may in like three weeks I don't know" my dad answer

"Well come on logan" I said dragging her up the stairs

"I think your parents are nice" Logan said

" Yeah nice at embarrassing me" I said rolling my eyes

" I think it's cute when you get all blushy" she said laughing at me

I pushed her playfully we laughed and started packing

Well this should be interesting I thought

So how was that you guys

What do you think is gonna happen while alexis parents are away

Do you think she will tell Longan her feeling

Or not





Ethan on the right
And Nathan on the left 👆

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