chapter 2

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Logan's pov

" yo LJ you see that new girl looking at you" ethan ask

" Yeah I saw her looking at me" I said

It was lunch time so basically we were heading to lunch, as we were walking i bumped into a small figure

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you" she said I look down to see  small girl  aww she so cute

" It's ok you good" I said

She just nodded looking down at the floor blushing

" Hey look at me" I said she look at me and I almost forgotten how to speak she was so pretty with her chocolate skin complexion and plump lip the girl is pretty hot, damn and those thighs and boobs and God don't get me started on her  ass  in her skirt little LJ down there started acting up. Shit

"So what's your name cutie" I ask watching her blush I chuckle at that

" I'm a-alexis " she says shyly.

"Cute name for a cute girl  I'm logan but my friends call me LJ" She nodded

"Me and my friends actually are going  to be eating lunch now want to join us" I ask hopping she'll say yes.

She looked at her friend who was busy talking to ethan

" Yeah why not" she said smiling her smile is so pretty

We make our way over to the lunch table where the others were

" Guys this alexis, alexis meet june, riley, jake and Nathan ethan twin brother she greet them and they greet her back.

"So alexis where did you move from" riley ask

" I'm from New york I just moved here two weeks ago" she said in her small voice still acting shy.

Time skip when school is over🙃mi cah badda, sorry just had to bring out the jamaican in me👉👈

"By the time school is over and basket ball practice was coming to an end I told alexis to waite since jada had to go pick up her little brother from day care so I offered to bring her home.

After I finish changing and headed to the bleachers where alexis was waiting.

" You ready I ask she nodded

"Ok lets go then I said smiling at her

We got into my lamborghini and she was just looking around I smile at her cuteness

"You like it " I ask her when I started driving.

"Yeah it's cool" she said still in awe

"Well i brought it myself" I said  She looked over at me

"That's cool I wanna buy one but I can't drive and my parents can't teach me because they are busy" she said looking a little sad

"Maybe I can teach you but that's only if it is ok with you " I said to her

She looks so happy after I told her that

"Would you really" she ask smiling widely

"Yeah it's not a problem" I told her being honest

Okay" she was smiling

For the rest of the car ride it was silent but a comfortable one I ask for her address earlier so now I was pulling into her drive way

"So here is your stop" I said turning of the car and turning to her

"Thanks for the ride" the said softly

"So I'll see you tomorrow right" I ask

"Yeah definitely"she said

"Oh I almost forgot can I have you number"I ask

"Yeah sure"she said taking my phone

"Aright so I'm gonna be picking you up tomorrow ok" I told her

"Ok that's fine" she says getting out

Bye" i said

Bye " she said waving

I waited until she was out of sight.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day I thought




Logan above 👆

Logan's out fit

Logan's out fit

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