Chapter 14

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A week later

Daniel's pov

So it's been a week and alex is still bolwing up my phone like damn can i have a break i'm just sitting here thinking i'm i not good enough for her or is it just because i was born intersex sigh at this i'm not even sure if i'm ready to forgive her yet because that really hurt cause she told me she would never speaking of her she's calling right now

"What" i said

"Baby please i'm sorry can you come over please i miss you" she said sounding like she has been crying

"Why should i" i said going into the kitchen

"Because i miss you" she said

I rolled my eyes hard as fuck i miss her too but she doesn't need to know that i've been staying at my mom for a week now cause i wasn't gonna make her leave

"I just wanna apologise for doing you wrong baby i know i messed up but can you just hear me out please" she said at this point she was pleading

I think about it for a moment because i do wanna know why she did it "Okay i'll see you later then" i said taking a deep breath

"Look i gotta go so see you when i get there" i said hanging up

I know that was harsh but i just don't wanna talk anymore

So guys tell me what you think i was thinking in making daniel not be intersex anymore because i'm just not feeling it anymore so tell me what you guys think




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