Chapter 8

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Daniel's pov

(Remember guys I change logan's name and her character so hope your not confused)

I really wanted to open up to alexis but I couldn't I just can't bring myself to talk about it i just can't I sighed and look next to me I instantly smile when I saw her messy hair 

Damn she so cute with her bed head and plump lip talking about lips

We kissed last night and I didn't regret it because I know what I was doing and hopefully I can keep her away from my no good of a mother

"Stop looking at me you creep" alexis said in her sleeping voice

"Wait were you awake the whole time" I said smiling cheekily

"Yeah I was" she said smiling at me

" Well then how did you sleep" I ask

"I slept great with you by my side" she said but immediately started to blush while putting her head down

"Hey don't feel embarrassed it's ok I slept good with you in my arm" I smirked

She just blush harder

" Stop your making me blush" she said covering her face

I just shook my head and get out of bed

"What do you wanna do today" I ask her

"It doesn't really matter"she said

"Well I was thinking why don't we go watch a movies and maybe go to the park" I said

"Yeah that sounds great" she said smiling

She was about to say something but her phone ringed

She put a finger up indicating me to wait I nodded and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower after I was finish I came out in only my sports bra and boxers I wasn't a shame of my extra part so it didn't bother me when she was looking instead I said

"See something you like princess" I said smirking

"I- uhh- umm i- I'm just gonna go in there" she pointed to the bathroom

She's so cute when she blush I just shake my head laughing

"Ok whatever you say princess" I said  and just like that she closes the door

I went downstairs to make breakfast for me and her

Three minutes later

After I was done i called her down to eat I made bacon eggs with pancakes

" Damn" she said with her eyes wide

"It's good right" I said smiling proudly at myself

"Yeah it's really good" she said smiling at me and after that we talk and laugh just enjoyed each other company

After we finish eating and clean up we went upstairs to get ready for our day

After we finish eating and clean up we went upstairs to get ready for our day

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