Chapter 12

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Daniel's pov

I woke up and didn't see alexis but I did see the light on in the bathroom so I'm guessing she's in there I got up out of bed and went in there when I did I sneak into the shower with her

"Hi baby" I said wrapping my arms around her waist she jumped a little

"Oh hi babe you scared Me"she said turning around smiling at me but it didn't reach her eyes

Wonder what that is but I'mma make it slide until she's ready to tell me. From like about the last two weeks she's been acting weird she said it's just school and the whole her mom coming but I know it's something more like.....


But what is she guilty of i-

"BABE" I was cut off by her calling me

"Yes baby what were you saying" I said looking at her

"I was saying if you wanna like go out , my treat" she said smiling

"Oh you taking me out how nice" I said chuckling a bit

"Yes I know I've been distant lately so I wanted to make it up to you" she said

" Ok babe" I said smiling cheekily

After that we wash up and got out putting on clothes and went downstairs and she made breakfast for the both of us

I feel like there is something she's not telling me.....

Time skip..

Alexis pov

So here we are at the fair I took Daniel at she's been so good to me and so patient while I've been nothing but a cheating girlfriend but she don't know that and I'm planning on keeping it that way cause I'm not tryna lose her... Periodt

"Oh babe I'm gonna use the bathroom real quick ok" Daniel said after we got off the first ride

"Okay imma be over here" she nodded and went to find the bathroom

I was looking at all the kids going on ride and giggling smiling to myself I started thinking about what it would be like to have kids of our own they would be so pretty an-

I was cut off by my phone ringing I look at the caller id and it said unknown but I still answered it

"Hello" I said into the phone

" Oh hi do you remember me" the voice said it did sound familiar but I couldn't make out who it is yet

"No I'm sorry but who is this" I said raising a brow

"It's Marcus" he said my eyes widened in realization

A/N so I know I haven't mention it but Marcus is the guy that alexis met at the party and the same guy she cheated on Daniel with 💀 ok now back to the story

Oh shit 😳I thought

Mane this is bad this is so  bad right now this can't be happening not now

" Look Marcus it was a mistake and I'm sorry for hurting your feelings but I'm in a relationship so it can't happen again" I said

"But what about what you said when we were making love" he said getting mad

" Mane what are you talking about which live making we weren't making love we were both drunk and you know that so stop talking nonsense" I said angrily

"You said I was the best you ever had and only me can make you feel that way" he said making me roll my eyes

"Who are you talking to" I heard a very familiar voice behind me said





I hope you guys enjoy this chapter I know I haven't been updating for y'all but school have started back again and it's been kicking my ass 😭😩😫 but I'm gonna start updating more often but no promises byeee y'all hope you guys have been staying safe 👋

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