Once Fortold

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A/n: Here are the dancer outfits for Fem y/n, masc y/n, and amariah

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A/n: Here are the dancer outfits for Fem y/n, masc y/n, and amariah. As for yugi and yami, i never got around to making them but feel free to use your imagination.👍

For the next several hours, you were housed with the other dancers being dressed up by the tailor. On the bright side, you had Amariah and Yugi with you. Yugi was a total sweetheart. He was a bit angry about the situation, as he should be, but the small boy would never direct his anger at any of the people around him, which was admirable. After nearly 18 hours of playing dress up, you, yugi, and amariah were outfited. The three of you were discussing a game plan for the performance. Because this was for their freedom. They have 8 hours to learn how to dance. Because you dont dance and yugi has no sense rhythm at all. Amariah can dance, but she's rusty and hasnt danced in a while.
"There's no way we can learn this in time." You groan, draping yourself against the wall as you try to regulate your temperature. Its the desert, its hot constantly. "Come on, Y/N, We just have to have a little more faith in ourselves." Yugi said, optimistic as usual. As much as you want to believe him, you can already hear laughter filling the room. It was all in your head, but it was real enough to make you hesitate. "Yeah, come on, Y/N, a few more reps and we'll be good enough for the performance. We have a few hours still." Amariah said, comforting you a bit as she recognized your anxious behavior. You relax some as you reground yourself. You take a moment to appreciate that the gods blessed you with these naive sweeties. "Thanks guys.. lets get back to-" You were cut short by the sound of a slamming door and some angry, indignant shouting. You peer over right in time for Yugi to go running over to the new person's side. It was Yami. He's alive. The two look alikes greeted each other with a very sentimental hug, appologising to each other and being a couple of dorks. It was very clear that their bond was very strong as vessel and spirit. You smiled at the small reunion. And then the true pharoh's eyes found you. And your lovely outfit. You felt your cheeks and ears burn red with embarassment. "Y/N, i'm glad you're alright." He said with a soft smile. "You too." You said in an awkward manner. "What is going on here, Yugi?" Yami asked his look alike. "Y/N wanted our freedom at any cost, so now we have to perform tonight in the throne room." Yugi summed up. "..I see. Well, i'll be joining you this evening, it seems.. luckily for you three, I have something in mind." Yami said.
It was time. The party was in full swing, the desert chilled by the absense of the sunlight. The false pharoh, atop her throne, announced the arrival of the entertainment for the evening, and the 6 plain dancers entered the room, dancing for the small crowd. You, amariah, yugi, and yami were all in position, waiting for their cue. You gazed around. There was the false pharoh, that wierd guy that was with amariah, and a few others that vaguely looked familiar. You let the music and the atmosphere invade your mind and body, and before you even knew what you were doing, you emerged from hiding in a way that was not according to plan. The others watched while you let your mind and body drive your thoughts into motions. You do know how to dance to this music. It was like you had done it a million times. Your body knew what to do. Your hips swayed and your extremities moved on their own, flowing with the music in ways you didnt know you were capable of. Amariah caught on and joined you. She was following your lead, though the way she danced was more light and elegant while yours was full of emotion. And then Yugi joined you two with slightly jerky but still good enough to assist in wowing the crowd. And finally, Yami barged his way into the dance with certain and strong movements, just as his personality was. With you four all as individuals, you synced up and followed in each other's movements untill it was like a cannon, with the pattern repeating one person after the other. Then your vision went white. This was another one of your visions.

Long ago, there were 4 guardians. The guardian of the day, night, earth, and sky. A black lion, a white wolf, a stone serpent, and a massive eagle. The youngest of the guardians was the earth serpent. She wanted more power than what she had, jealous of the amazing abilities her fellow guardians had. So she started a war. It went on for eons before they finally decided that the best way to settle this was to choose human companions to fight with them. A dancer, a slave, a king, and a witch. The day and night guardians chose the dancer and slave, though they were very young and weak. The sky guardian chose the young king of egypt. The serpent chose the witch. They fought, and the humans' children fought, battling through duel cards, and generations went on without a single budge untill a fatefull day when the sky guardian was brutally murdered by the earth serpent. This left the other guardians vulnerable, so the humans sent their guardians away. the witch bewitched the decendents of the origional dancer and the slave, casting them into the mines as mere children, and hiding away so that the witch can finally take out the king, and the serpent come out on top.

Your vision returns and you find yourself dancing with Yami, his hands gliding lightly over you as your body moves itself to the music. You processed what you had just seen. You and amariah were decended from a bunch of old folks that got caught in a god war, and that false pharoh is the witch, which is whybyou were in the mines. You feel your sight begin to fade out again.

Some day soon, the eagle will rise again to rescue its brother and sister from the coils of the earth serpent. The day draws near.

Your vision returns as the dance ends. The crowd is in awe. It seems you four have earned your freedom. The party came to a sudden and abrupt halt when Stellara and Solaris crashed into the dining hall in a violent cacophony as the banquet tables toppled. This is going to be messy.

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