Silver Paws and Gold claws

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You had been walking for hours. Clouds formed over head slowly. Time was shifting morning into afternoon overhead. You had made it past the outskirts, when someone broke the silence. "So, (y/n), should we take a break..?" Said Joey. You didn't want too, but they looked tired. And we were making good time. If they woke early they could make it al the way to the next town and almost home by the third day. You sighed. "Yeah. This seems far enough.. " you said, the idea of those hooded, masked wizards belonging to your master dragging you off again haunting your mind.. Joey and Tristan plopped against a tree. Tea started setting up a small camp.
After you and tea set up camp, you watched tea start up a fire. "Tea is fire the best idea?? The smoke could give us away." You said, still dreading those brutal wizards.. "I'm sure that we will be alright. What is to be afraid of? " tea said. "My master's wizards. They are mean and merciless. Those are the people that chased me.. " you say with a slightly wavering voice. You munched on (favorite travel snack) to calm yourself down. "Well I don't think they will be hunting you out here. I don't think they expect you to actually come back for someone you don't know." She said. You feel yami's gentle hand touch your shoulder. It wasn't really the same as someone actually touching you, but it meant just as much. His soft, ghost like touch was amazing to you. You glanced at him with a soft smile despite tea not being able to see him. "As I said. We will ensure your safety, (y/n)." He said. "Good point tea." You say just to aknowledge tea. 'I'll be ensuring your safety too, yami. I am carrying you around, after all.' Funny. You feel so attached to him. Yet, you've never actually seen his face..
Before you knew it, it was night and no one could sleep.. Joey and Tristan were restless. Tea is keeping watch. Yami was normal. You were next to the fire taking in its warmth. When you had an idea. It was pretty stupid and you hadn't done it before, but it was worth a shot. You hummed a small tune. Quiet and soft. Yami watched. A few moments passed. Sleep began taking hold.
When you woke up, everyone was asleep and yami was watching over them. He was.. Odd. But in the good way. But then you saw... He was not watching the others. He was watching someone- no some THING, standing on the edge of the clearing. The fire was out, so the clearing was dimly lit by moonlight. You stared at the thing on the edge of the clearing, heart beating in your chest. It was almost familliar.
The stare off had been going for a few minutes. Yami didn't look away from the thing. Granted all I could see of yami was a mass of shadows in the shape of a human but I knew he was staring the thing down. It stepped forward, extending a huge paw, adorned with gold claws and silver fur,  into the light. You felt an odd sensation of Dejavu.. "Yami.. " you whispered. He stood his ground. The thing stepped into the light, revealing a mount sized silver wolf. Moonlight glinted on it's collar, which was solid gold. It's eyes were like yours, a beautiful (e/c) colour. It sniffed Joey's arm. He shifted position a little. The wolf growled at him, startling you. It snapped its head in your direction at the small sound you made. It snarled when yami stepped in the way. He may be a shadow, but that wolf can see him. "What was that..?" Said Joey sitting up, yawning. He obviously had no idea what was happening. You couldn't speak. You were too afraid.. Far too afraid. That wolf was not slowed down by yami. It pounced right through him. "(Y/n)!!"
You opened your eyes to see yami holding you protectively, the wolf being held back by Joey and Tristan, while tea was waking up, confused. The wolf was barking like mad. I hear joey cry out as the two men threw the wolf off of them, pushing it back a few feet. It took another look at you, huffed a little, and ran off. Joey fell on his knees. "Joey! " you, Tristan, and tea say at the same time. You ran over to him, yami's worry spilling into you. The wolf had accidentally gashed him across the chest when he threw it off. "I'm fine I'm fine. It just stings.. " said Joey. He took the now torn shirt off and tore it into bandages. You and tea helped him by tying the bandages off since it stung too much to do it himself. Tristan gave Joey his spare shirt when we finished. The sun began to rise, the black clouds that obscured the stars becoming Greg with the light of morning. It will rain soon... "Morning has come. We need to move.. " you say.

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