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Though you couldnt see his actuall expression, you felt his confusion. The simple statement puzzled him. "What?" He said. You sighed before sobering up. "I'll tell you on the move. We need to get out of here. We can navigate through untill we reach the outskirts." You said. "Smart plan, Y/N." Said Tristan, getting up from where he sat down against the wall. The group set off again. You began to tell the tale..
You always had lived in the cell. You couldnt remember anything before it because you were a child of 5, raised by another slave and then that slave was killed when you came if age. At age 8 you began your work. Constant back breaking manual labor, chains around your ankles, wrists and neck,  with a whip cracking across the shoulders of your elders. They rarely whipped children. You had been in a cell with two children your age. A girl named Amariah, and a boy that was only reffered too as Em. Amariah was a tan skinned girl with white hair and deep blue eyes. Em was a carmel-skinned boy with white hair and gold eyes. Em never spoke. Amariah was obedient and very sweet and soft. Em was brave and very defiant toward the wizard guards that kept everyhing in order. Dragged out of the cell behind you and Amariah each morning. Always trying to get away. That was years ago. Now you are 16 years old. The day of your escape. You and amariah were working. Em had a new glint of hope in his eyes that made them flicker like flames. You were focusing on work when you heard a commotion. All the guards moved toward he chaos. You turned to see no other than em and a group of boys. He had broken All his chains. He had stolen a whip from the head wizard guard and was using it like he had been training for years. The group was fighting them all off. You and amariah were standing close to each other, hand in hand, afraid he would get hurt badly. They defeated about half when the rest ran for back up. Em ran over and cut your chains. Then amariahs. "You have to take this opportunity and get out. Now. Dont come back for me. I'll catch up later." He said. That was the first time he had ever spoken to you. You looked around, watching as the boys were cutting chains like butter, and sending people to escape. Amariah had to grab your hand and pull you away. The gurads were flooding in. Em was taken by the arm by another head wizard. Dozens surrounded him, whipping and casting awful spells. You caught a glimpse of his lifeless body, red staining his pure hair. Then you were out of the room. Tears pricked at your eyes as you ran with your friend. People were getting snatched up and recaptured all around you... Only you and amariah made it out alive.
You and her made it into a forest and into he outskirts of a small town before the guards caught up. They were on your tail. Your lungs screamed. Her asthma was giving her a hard time. She would never make it!! You and her stopped in an ally behind a dumpster, watching as the wizards ran past. "What-.. Are you.. Doing.. Y/n.." She asked between wheezes. "we need a plan. I cant carry you and you cant run." You said. She took about 10 minutes to regain herself, the wizards nearly catching you two about 6 times. The dumpster was gross. "We have to split. Ill take off and knock over a few trash cans. They'll follow me because im easier to catch. The rest will stay around here and look for you. But with all the noise I'll have made, you can make an escape before they know you're gone. I'll meet back up with you in the town on the horizon." She said. The footsteps came again. There was no time to think of anything better.. So you went through with it. You split and ran all the way to the town, which brought you up to the point you found the puzzle.
By the time you had finished your story, the group had made it to the next town. You four made your way back to the surface and kept walking. ".. This 'Em' you talk about.." yami started. "No he wasnt my lover. I think he may have been Ami's brother, but i was never sure. The only other sounds he ever made were hums. sometimes nodds." You said. "He was very brave. Reminds me of someone I think knew once.. Ami too.. And you, come to think of it." He said, pondering. "Heh. Maybe so, shadow boy." You said, smirking and jogging a little to catch up with the others. You felt his grumpiness at the rediculous nickname. You laughed a little. "So what were you talking about back there, y/n?" Tea asked, a light segestive tone in her voice, "or is it a secret?" She is talking to me like i love him or something!! You tint pink slightly. 'Mind your own business you bonk.' You thought to yourself. "Just a story from the life of a harsh prison. No big personal issue or anything." You dead panned. You saw her eyes shift uneasily as she apologized. 'Yeah. Thats right. You should apologize, you bonk.' You thought. Yami interjected, laughing hard. He Looked like he hadnt heard anything so funny in years. "What is a bonk??" He finally said. "Oh. It's something we called people back at the work camp. Mainly people who did stupid things. Every time someone did something dumb, we called the person a bonk and hit them over the head playfully with the handle of a tool, hence the word bonk." You explained. 'Oh.. Am i a bonk?' He asked. You laughed. "Yes" you said. 'What??' He protested. This only made you laugh harder.
The group stopped, looking up at an old gate. Or.. Two trees bound like an arch.. "Stop." You said. "What is it?" Tristan asked. "There is something wierd about this arch way.. I remember passing trough it just before you and ami entered the forest.. But trees were on the other side too. You remembered it as a sheer halt between grass and sand.. "What arch?" Joey asked you. "Its right here! Dont you see it?" You asked, "Dont you see it, yami??" You asked the thin air next to you. The shadow appeared. "Yes. But i think it may have something to do with the ancient magic of the puzzle." He said. "Maybe.." You said. "Your sure you arent seei g things, y/n?" Asked tea. "Yes im sure, you bonk. Otherwise I wouldnt be saying so." you say. She looked slightly confused by the insult. Yami almost laughed. "I mean it. Its here.. yami can see it too.. " you said, walking toward it, becoming slightly frustrated. "Well i believe you, Y/n." Said joey. "Me too." Said Tristan. You looked at tea, standing right in front of the arch. ".. Im still not sure. Sorry." She said. You knew all along that she didnt trust you, so this was no surprise. You rolled your eyes. With the others behind you, you stepped past the arch..

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