The Serpent's Gaze

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  For the next several hours, you had cleaned the floor untill you could see your face. It was the first time you'd seen yourself in a while. Your (H/C) hair was a little messy and was trimmed to precise even length. It was flawless. You didn't know if you liked it or not. Eye make up had been painted onto your face. Black eyeliner, and your eyelids were painted with the same shade of (F/C) as the (F/C) in your clothes. You sighed. But it could be worse.
  You and Amariah looke up as the sound of a wizard walking down the hall came, approaching at a brisk pace. She stopped in front of you. Then used her magic to bind your wrist. "Come. Now." She said. You quickly stood up and stumbled along for a moment before gaining your footing. You walked along, a little ticked off as the woman dragged you. You stayed silent. You were sure she was either taking you back to the servant quarters or to see the.. 'pharoh'. Either way. You were too tired to be concerned with which it was. But it became evident when you were pulled by your wrists into a lavishly decorated throne room, full of beautiful dancers and exotic looking servants, along with decorated individuals with high status and a multitude of guards. That guy was standing with the high status people by the throne. Seta? Seto? Yeah. Seto Kaiba. He didnt seem to recognize you.
  Your sight seeing was interupted when you were thrown to the floor at the foot of the throne. You hear a few chuckles. "Pharoh, I brought (Y/N), as requested." Said the woman. You looked up, pushing yourself off the ground. There was a tall woman standing over you. "Look at you. You've grown quite a bit since I bought you from those pesants." She said with a laugh.
  You looked baffled. Pissed, even. You couldn't believe anyone would ever say something like that. She noticed your expression and laughed again. "Oh my. Well, as promised, you returned to me on the 3rd day, and the young boy remains alive." She said. You  calmed your temper and sighed before you dared to speak. "..what have you done with the others? I wont stay unless you let them all go." You demanded. "Little yugi is in isolation. I can bring him forth if you'd like. Those 2 boys you brought were put to work in the mines. Just the way you used to work with Amariah and Em. Our beloved pharoh is overthrown. He has been taken as prisoner. And your pretty little friend Tea? She left you all behind." She said coldly. You were even more shocked now. Not only were all your friends trapped, but one even went so far as to let you guys take care of it. Let us risk our lives while she sits at home. You look up. "Bring him out." You ordered. She snapped her fingers and there was a struggle off to the side before a small boy that looked like he could be Yami's twin. "Let go of me!" He yelled. They yanked his restraints in response, causing him to stop. This must be yugi. He was dressed in a similar fashion as the other exotic servants. Poor guy.
  "See? He lives. As promised." She cooed in a condecending tone. Yugi stared at you for a bit. Trying to recognize you. "Who are you??" he asked. You sigh. "Long story, but i'm a friend of Yami-" You were cut off by that woman yet again when she laughed. "Friend? He has no friends. He used you to free his vessel." She said. You felt a slight jab at the words. But knew they couldn't be true. Then again, all you really did was carry him and get his friends in trouble. Maybe she was right. "No way! He would never do that to anyone! He's a good person!" Shouted Yugi. "You naive little fool.. dont you remember anything? How he left you on your own when you were taken away.. one little argument, and he leaves you when you need him." She reminded. That must be why the puzzle was left on the ground. "That's not what happened!" he retorted. She laughed. "Oh, but it is.. guards, send (Y/N) back to the slave quarters with their new pet. We have a celebration to tend to.." She said, causing the other nobles to laugh. You and Yugi were being pulled away. But she didnt keep her word!! She didnt let the others go! You struggled. "We had a deal! Let them go!!" You shouted. She raised a hand. The guards paused, allowing her to approach as the smile dropped to the sinister gaze of a threatened snake. "How dare you accuse me. I never agreed to such a request.. however if you want them free that badly, you can earn their freedom.." she said. "I'll do whatever it takes!" You insist. You get the feeling you may regret this, but you want to follow through with it, right? "Fine then. You'll be tomorrow night's entertainment. Tailors, get them outfited with the other dancers." She said with an amused laugh. "All of them." You felt yourself die inside a little. Dancers? She's going to make us dance for freedom? What kind of challenge is this?? It's just humiliation. Well, its too late now. You already agreed. This is for your friends.. What are you thinking, you dont dance! Pop music? nope. Country? nope. Do you even slow dance? Hell no. How could you be expected to dance in front of so many when you cant even dance by yourself?
  By the time you were done having your humiliated breakdown, you were being thrown into the floor along side Yugi. The guards left you two there. You stood, helping him up. "Thanks.. (Y/N) right?" he asked. You nodded. Then the two of you were lead away from the door by a couple of beautiful men and women in exotic outfits. These must be the other dancers.. You sighed. This is going to be a long evening.

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