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A/n: before we begin, I made some outfits for the reader. You'll start with this one 👇

Or if your a guy, 👇

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Or if your a guy, 👇

Feel free to change the colour from purple to anything you want

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Feel free to change the colour from purple to anything you want.

Now on with the story!!


White. It was all white.. Where am i? I cant see anything..

Your thoughts raced. The white faded into a sunny blue sky, not a cloud in sight. It was hot.. You were.. Alone? Your hand shot to your chest where the puzzle hung. It was gone. The puzzle was gone. You started to panick a little. You stood up, but something didn't feel right... Then you looked down to see you were in a black and (f/c) outfit.. It was like..

Thats when it hit you.

You were home. Back at the place you ran away from.

You looked at the sandy expanse around you. You called out for the others. "HELLOOO! YAMI! JOEY! TRISTAN! ANYONE!" You cried. You weren't panicking yet, but if you didnt find them, you just might. Then you saw a deep purple cloak billow in the dry wind. As if the sand blew off of a dusty stone statue, a man appeared under the cloak. His skin was a beautiful tan and he was dressed as a pesant. His face was handsome as if chiseled from polished sandstone by gods. His hair was like purple-tipped raven feathers, accompanied by a few rays of morning sun framing his beautiful eyes, which were as intricate and beautiful as the bloom of a violet passion flower.. But he had the millennium puzzle. "(Y/n)?" He asked. You recognized that voice.. "Yami..?" You asked the hooded man. "You're alright! I feared something had happened to you when you crossed under the arch way.." He said. He wrapped his arms around you. This jolted you into reality. You can touch him now.. You were only just realizing that he'd been more solid every day. And now you had your arms around him. You could touch him. See him. "Yami.. I can touch you. I can see you.. You're.. You're growing solid!" He stepped back and looked at himself. ".. You are right.. Where are the others??" He asked. "I haven't seen them.." you said sadly. You looked up at yami, only to see the giant horse-sized wolf sitting behind him. You screeched and jumped back, yami sticking an arm across you. "Well thats one way to treat an old friend." Said the wolf. She had a mother-like voice. It was extremely familiar. She crouched down on the sand, her gold cuffs glinting in the blazing Egyptian sun. "I suggest you get on. The guard are on their way. Any questions will be answered when we get back to camp." Commanded the she-wolf. A cloud of dust rose up behind a group of men on camels. They looked pretty pissed. You complied, yami hopping on right behind you. He held on to you. You blushed slightly, but not quite noticeably since you were already red from desert heat. The she-wolf stood and let loose a loud, eerie, song-like howl. It was answered by an ear splitting, prideful roar in the distance. The she-wolf sprinted off, leaving the men to choke on her dust.
The ride was long and hot, with the sun beating down on your heads like Ra himself was focusing every light in the sky on you. The beads of sweat dripping down your faces seemed to be not only moisture, but also energy leaving your bodies. It had been at least 3 hours. The sun was finally dipping. A thought crossed your mind. How did you hear that roar of it came from a camp so far away?? You decided to aske if yami heard it, "Yami?" He looked away from the horizon and focused on you. "Yes?"he answered. "Did you hear that roar earlier? The response to this wolf's howl?" You asked. "Roar.. No. I dont recall that." He said. Strange.. Maybe it was your mind playing tricks. "Only those whom i deem worthy hear me." said the she-wolf. ".. Oh. Well that explains a lot. " You said. The ride went silent again.. You kept your eyes ahead of you, watching the distance. Thats when you saw the beacon.
You neared the camp, still on the silvery grey wolf. The sun had dipped all the way into the sea of dust, plunging the sky into a glistening moon-lit land of pale blue waves that will never crash back into the endless sea of sand. From what you could see, the camp was a simple fire under a nice over hang. Next to the fire was a giant charcoal black cat. It was smaller and skinnier than the she-wolf, but just as regal. And standing in front of the fire was a familiar looking white haired girl. The she-wolf stopped not to far from the camp. "Alright, off you two. It's hot." She said. You and yami got off and landed on the sand. You looked at him before turning to the white-haired girl. Her silvery hair whisped against her face with the gentle breeze, shimmering with the gold fire light, and her sunkissed tan skin made her tidepool eyes pop. She was dressed so strangely and looked so much healthier you barely recognize her... It was amariah!!

A/n: a small visual aid so i dont have to describe amariah's outfit -3-

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A/n: a small visual aid so i dont have to describe amariah's outfit -3-

"Y/n!! " she said, diving forward and wrapping you into a hug. You held her in your arms. You had been so worried when you saw her disappear around the corner so you wouldnt get caught. And here she is!! She is ok! And there is.. A guy here. I dont know who that is, but his robe is cool as fuck. And there is the giant cat thing.. "Y/n i'm so glad you're ok! And you have Stellara! I have Solaris! This is great!.. Who's that behind you..?" She asked after the small ramble. I dont know what she was talking about, but it must be important. I've never seen her so happy. "I go by many names, but here.. I go by pharoh." He said. She looked shocked. She quickly bowed, "You! You are who we must protect!!" You only got more confused. "What do you mean Ami? You arent making any se-"
"... "
"Wait... "

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