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You slept for days. Dreaming. You were in a void of sorts, conversing with someone that looked like a mirror image of yourself. With your same name. Just in different clothes. You and your mirror image talked all about what happened. You had never met any familly before, just grew up with em and amariah. This was an ancestor of yours. It was good to listen to the history you never knew of. It was amazing to finally know of your family. But after who knows how long, Your other self finally had to leave. You could feel yourself waking. You could hear people talking, you could feel your hand being held..
Almost an hour later, you opened your eyes. The room was unfamiliar. You sat up, only to find a familiar face resting his head on the side of your bed. The gold bangs and dark hair were a dead give away. You smiled some. "You must have been worried.." you said softly, causing the boy to stirr. As soon as his eyes opened you could tell it was yugi. He looked up at you, and woke right up and jumped up out of his seat and went stumbling over the chair he had been on in order to get out the bedroom door. What a goof. As you stood up from the bed you could hear him down stairs saying "Guys! Guys! Y/N woke up!" You could hear footsteps coming up the stairs. As you tried to walk to the door you stumbled and fell directly into the arms of another familiar face. Yami. He was here, holding you in his arms. He wasnt a ghost anymore. You looked up into his eyes as a smile grew across your face. You threw your arms around him and held him close. He held you back tightly. "Y/N you were asleep for so long we were beginning to worry.." he said. He seemed to relax with you in his arms like this. you rested against his shoulder, enjoying the moment. "I'm alright, i promise." You said, holding him. It was amazing finally able to be close to him. Well untill a few pairs of prying eyes were spotted at the bottom of the stair case. Tristan, Joey, Yugi, and a familiar mop of white hair. They snickered and you threw a pillow. "You jerks, quit spying!" you said, giggling softly. They scattered and went back into the other room. Yami chuckled softly. "You saved them. They were waiting to see you." He said. He helped walk you down the stairs. In the livingroom the boys were crowded in waiting for you. As well as amariah. She was the first to approach and greet you. "Y/N thank goodness. I was really worried. You were asleep for almost a month. I'll get you up to speed. Me and Em have our own appartment, you'll be living with us so we can come see everyone." She said. You were stunned. No more mines, or barracks or cells. You smiled, over joyed. "We can finally live a normal life.. Thats great! im so excited!" You said, nearly in tears. Em nodded. "I've got a decent job now, and im going to make sure we are well taken care of." He promised. 
The day continued on with the group of teens talking amongst themselves, yugi's grandfather still completely chill with all the chaos they brought. But soon enough you were lead out by em and amariah. It was time to leave for your new home. You turned back when you reached the door, waving to the cluster of boys in the room before you headed down the sidewalk, tailing behind em and amariah. You felt your heart fluttering, knowing things were finally looking up. But you couldnt help but feel something was missing. That was when you heard him. You stopped and turned in the gold light of the evening to spot yami jogging down the sidewalk. Before you knew it you were scooped up into a hug. Between breaths he spoke as he held you. "I almost forgot.. i have to tell you.." he huffed, trying to at least finish his sentence. You felt a rush as your heart fluttered and your face turned pink. You knew what he meant. You smiled and shut him up, giving him a sweet kiss as your arms wrapped around his neck. He melted into it, holding you closer as he kissed you back. you pulled away from him after that, leaving him red faced and stunned as you caught up to em and amariah. "I love you! I'll be back to see you tomorrow!" you called. He snapped free of his daze. "Promise?" he called. You smiled as you heard, and called back to respond. "I promise!!"

(Yami/Atem X Reader) I Promise. Where stories live. Discover now