An Explanation

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"Er.. Now (Y/N), there is a perfectly logical explanation for all of this." Yami mused in an attempt to calm you. "Ohhh there better be! Pharoh??" You said, extremely irritated. Why didnt he tell you before?? "Look (Y/N), i remembered it when i realized where we were. I'd nearly forgotten myself with yugi missing." He explained. "Uh-Oh. Couple argument." Amariah joked. "Ami, not the time. And shut it." You said, a little pink decorating your face. "Are you two gonna listen or keep bickering? I dont feel like repeating myself." The brunette said, speaking up. You turned to look at him. Yami sighed. "Good. From what I've figured out from chatterbox, were here to stop a neighboring nation from taking over and changing history. You two are guardians of the nile. Deciples of a few Egyptian gods from 5000 years ago. Im some sort of head priest. You know who you are." He explained. Yami had a funny look on his face. "Whats with that look?" Kaiba hissed. "You are by far the last person i expect to hear this from." Yami said. "Believe me, i hate this. Im only going along with this because mokuba cant run a company by himself and I've been gone for almost 3 days." He said.
But then it hit you. Almost 3 days. They must have had some sort of message too. You fiddled with the slip of paper that was still in your pocket. "Yami, its been nearly 3 days. We have to hurry." You said, starting to get a little panicked. Yami turned, taking your hands gently. "(Y/N). Don't be upset. We'll get there in time." He said. He knew that it was gonna be ok. His touch was gentle and he was confident. You felt yourself relax. "Alright. Saddle up then. We need to find the capital. Thats where she's hiding." Amariah said. "She?" You questioned. "Master. She resides in the capital. She's taken the throne and we have to help our pharoh take it back." She said. "You met her??" You question. "I'll explain on the way." She said.


It had been hours. It was late in the night and the moon was high. You and Amariah were on Solaris and Stellara. The huge gold clad black cat and the oversized silver pelted wolf were speaking in their language. Yami and Kaiba followed on horses. You turned to Amariah. "So, did you get to meet her?" You asked. She nodded. "Ishuya is her name. She and her serpent Keipi. She controls people using hypnosis and poison. I barley escaped. Seto managed to get us out of there. We were swarmed by hawks and various other birds of prey during the escape. Thats where the scratches on my skin are from." She said. You thought back to the panic attack you had in the alley. You were swarmed by a room full of hawks.. maybe you had seen through her eyes. "So, the serpent, is it like Solaris and Stelara?" You asked. A male voice spoke up. "Yes, Moonchild. Gia was once our sister. She killed off our eldest brother, Arus. She was the guardian of the earth and he was the guardian of the skies. Stellara was guardian of the night, you were her rider, Moonchild. I am the guardian of the day, and Sunburst is my rider. Ishuya lost her title, but once she was Stonescale. And our mighty pharoh, Zyphyr. The balance has been tipped with Ishuya in power and Arus in the sand. But if we can defeat Ishuya balance will restore itself and your world will be safe again." Solaris explained. Amariah pet his head. "Sol is a very smart boy." She said, to which he sighed. You giggled lightly at her silliness. Stellara gave him a smug laugh. "Well thank you, Solaris. Someone is finally explaining." You said. The oversized cat chuckled. "Its my job, Moonchild." He said. "Im afraid Solaris had been the only one of us to remember such knowledge. Gia was able to force me to forget." Stellara said. "Its not like you could help it." You said. "Either way, rest. You'll need stength for your mission you two." Solaris said. Amariah nodded. She was glad to be able to sleep since sleep used to be rare. You did the same, resting. The world faded into dreams as you drifted to sleep.

A/n: Hey, sorry i took so long! In our next chapter, well be face to face with yugi's kidnapper. If you have any ideas, let me know in the conment section!!

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