The Guardians of Old (2/2)

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A/N: these are the outfits for fem and masc Y/N this chapter

A/N: these are the outfits for fem and masc Y/N this chapter

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A/N: this is amariah's

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A/N: this is amariah's

The moment you heard Yugi call out his play, you, Amariah, Seto, and Yami were transported directly onto the playing field, dressed in new outfits and wielding weapons that match you

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The moment you heard Yugi call out his play, you, Amariah, Seto, and Yami were transported directly onto the playing field, dressed in new outfits and wielding weapons that match you. You got a scythe, with a blade that glowed with the same (f/c) as your outfit. Amariah, a bow with the same blue as the accents of her outfit. Yami, a sword that over all matched his aesthetic. Seto, a spear. You were joined by Solaris, Stella, the eagle from your vision, and to her dismay, Petra. You paused in confusion to process this.

Amariah knew none of you would know what to do, so she climbed onto Solaris and readied her bow. You followed her lead, and got on Stella, readying your scythe despite never using a weapon in your life. The boys did the same, though seto had to force Petra to cooperate. Yami laughed at him a little. "Shut up!" Seto griped. The witch looked mad. "Petra you traitor!" she shrieked. "I'm bound by the will of the cards!" The serpent hissed. Yugi raised a hand and with a swift gesture forward he sent the four of you after The witch, who let her life points drain to a dwindling 10 points. This was when things grew strange. It was her last shot at winning. She activated a card she had. "I summon the Traitor!" She called. On her side of the arena, a shadow of herself appeared on the board, dressed in a different outfit and wielding a weapon of its own. A staff. It raised the staff, and suddenly, you four and the witch's shadow were cast into a wateland of sand, a flat sea of nothing but tan dust. she on one side, you four on the other side.

The wind howled as the stand off began. Sand drifted like shallow waves across the ground. "You're trying to restore the balance.." the shadow droned. None of you said a word. "Even Petra is forced back into place as the scale tips in your favor.. You must be very confident you'll win." The shadow said. "We will! The past is set, bringing it back into the present wont change the future!" Yami said, his deep voice cutting through the shadow's whispers like a gust of wind through a cloud of smoke. "What an optimistic statement. You really are a decendent of that foolish king, arent you?" the shadow droned. "He's right!" you cried. "You can't stop us! We're going to set things right!" you added. "And what if you're wrong?" the shadow asked, causing you to pause. It continued. "If you disrupt the way things are, the gate between your world and his will shut. The child king, The Dancer, they'll be sealed away from you all. They'll never see you again, (Y/N)." It said. it knows your name. "We'll find our own way! you're just trying to get in our heads!" Amariah fussed, shooting at her with an arrow. It went through her, but the disrespect was evident regardless. "What a disrespectful little brat you are. Maybe you should shut your mouth." The shadow said, lashing out with a gust of sand, blinding her and throwing her off of solaris into the sand. Solaris snarled at the shadow, guarding her. "Leave her alone, she's right and you know it! i'd know, i've used the same trick. You're at the end of the line and your desparation forced you to use the most manipulative tactics you could think up! you cant fool us!" Seto shouted. Yami seriously never thought seto would be this much on their side. He'd always been so distant even when they had a common enemy. What did he miss? "You cant stand against all four of us! you're terrified!" Yami said. "Throwing sand in my eyes was a pathetic tactic! you really are cornered!" amariah called, getting back on solaris, good as new. You felt their confidence and knew they were right. Even if that ghost was right, you were confident you'd find a way back to them. "You really thought a few discouraging possibilities would stop us? we're going to reunify the guardians, and you wont be in control anymore!" You shouted. the four of you raised your weapons and with a combined attack, the world became nothing but a pale white landscape, and then it faded into darkness.

When you came too, you were sitting in the sand tied up, just as you had been, yami, seto, and amariah still there, em still imprisoned, the witch gone, and solaris, stella, and petra gone. The guards were untying you under Yugi's orders. The small teen was on his way over to your group, and the moment your restraints were unbound, he grabbed as many of you would fit in a hug. Seto was awkward about it of course. But Yami, and Amariah didnt even hesitate to join the celebration hug. You couldnt believe that worked. And that yugi was that good at this game. You smiled. This feels like an ending. You beat the bad guy, now what..?

The next few days were spent wandering in the desert. Joey and tristan were rescued, excited to se yugi. Em joined the group, him and amariah overjoyed to be reunited. The eight of you wandered back to the time rift. It was like a beacon against the desert sky, calling you home to the time you truly belong in. The group was quiet as you approached the rift. The guardians, all four of them, were standing guard at the rift. You lead the group to them. Joey and tristan passed through, having to pull yugi along with them. Em gave amariah a hug before passing through with them. "..Its time to go, isnt it?" You asked, looking up at them. "It is. But for two of you, a decision has to be made." Stella reminded. You had a sinking feeling. "Amariah, you know what time you belong in. But you have nothing left for you here. You may pass through the rift. You, boy, lead her through." Solaris said. Seto, red in the face, offered his hand to her, and when it was taken, he lead her into the rift after the others. Leaving you and Yami left. The eagle spoke this time. "Atem. You are a king. Nothing more than a ghost on the other side of this portal. Will you still pass through the rift?" asked the sky guardian. You watched anxiously. He did have something better to do than be yugi's imaginary friend. "..what will become of me if i choose to leave this world?" atem asked. "We cant tell you that. You'll have to choose for yourself. Your fate is in your hands tonight." He said. Yami was quiet untill he looked up and offered you his hand. "I'll join (Y/N) in the present." he concluded. You felt your heart skip a beat as you took his hand. "Why would you choose a life of being locked away in a puzzle..?" you asked. "very well. You may pass." The guardian said. He walked you into the portal. "I couldnt give up on you. You never gave up on me. Just because you made good on that promise doesnt mean we have to be apart, (Y/N)." He said. His voice faded as the two of you were sent through the rift into the darkness.

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