The Guardians of Old (1/2)

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As tables toppled and reveling party guests fled, Solaris and Stella ran right to your group. "All of you, get on, now! We're leaving!" Stella ordered. You did as you were told, climbing on to Stella with Yami. He wrapped his arms around you and held on as Stella went running back out of their with the guards chasing you. "Yugi, Amariah, lets go!!" Yami called, seeing that the two had gone back for someone and getting worried. You turned and watch those two recklessly drag the brunette boy, Seto? Onto Solaris with them. The three barely made it onto the back of the massive lion. They managed to get past the guards and escape as well. "We're fine! We had to go back, dont forget there are others here that came from your time!" Amariah called back. "Right!" You said. You nearly forgot that Joey and Tristan were also still missing. As they called to each other, and fled through the town, guards and charriots began blocking your escape routes, forcing Stella and Solaris to turn back and take alternative routes. They were chased all over the ancient city, and into what appeared to be an arena. Where the guards were waiting for them.
Stella and solaris were quickly captured, the 5 of you being dragged off of the giant beasts and forced to kneel before the witch herself. She stood over you and your comerades with a device on her arm. It looked familiar. "What a performance you children put on for me and my guests.. bravo." She said, a condecending smile on her face. Almost like she planned the whole thing. "You put up such a fight. Why? You've already lost." She added. A large serpent emerged from the stone floor of the arena as she spoke. "These are your champions?" the serpent mocked, laughing at her brother and sister. "You're as foolish as you always were, soon i will destroy you both, and rule the heavens and the earth." The serpent said.
Stella and Solaris struggled in their restraints. "You've already upset the balance, Petra! The world will fall apart!" Solaris shouted. You grit your teeth in irritation. "You havent won! We're still here!" You shout defiantly. "Not for long." The witch said, stepping back with the device on her arm. "One of you will duel me. We're finishing this war right where we left off.." she said, venom in her tone.
You 5 looked amongst yourselves, wondering who should go. "I'll do it! I still have my cards!" Yugi said, speaking up abruptly. Yami looked at him. "You wont have me to help you, are you sure??" he asked. Yugi gave a determined nod.
With That confirmation, yugi was taken to the other end of the arena, and fitted with a device just like the witch's. You, Amariah, Yami, and Seto, were dragged to his side of the arena, where Stella and Solaris were still being held captive. Petra remained with the witch.  "Oh, and i nearly forgot, if any of you make a run for it, or try to help Yugi, i'll be feeding these three to petra." the witch said, ordering the guards to bring forth Joey, Tristan, and.. Em. Em is alive. "Amariah, Y/N! Dont listen to her!" he shouted. You could do nothing but put your faith in Yugi, fearing that calling back would get the boys killed. You watched as the duel began.
The battle was brutal. As cards were played, they became real,causing destruction to the arena and almost damage to you and the other bystanders. Things got dangerous as the game came closer to the end, with yugi left at 200 life points, and the witch with 400. Yugi looked like he had a plan.

Durring yugi's time spent captured he had ran into Em back in the mines. The white haired boy was appearantly supposed to be executed. But they kept him alive for now. Yugi was glad they did. Because once yugi told Em his situation, Em pulled out 4 new cards that were passed down through his family, and told Yugi, 'use them when the time is right.'

Well, now was as good of a time as any. He had all the cards he needed ready. You couldnt see what cards he was playing, but it ended with him shouting, "I summon the Guardians!"

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