Bubbles on Tiles

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  It was a silent evening, other than the soft sound of thumping hooves and paws on the sand. Your sleep was peaceful and filled with sweet memories that were just beyond your reach. Ones of your childhood, which were stolen away from you. The soft coo of your mothers forgotten voice just barley beyond your grasp..
  The sweet dreaming was interupted by the growls of animals and yells of your comrades. Horses screaming and the jangle of chains. The air smelled like burning incense. Your friends were under attack. But you couldn't will you're eyes to open. It was unclear if it was a dream or if you were sleeping through it. You felt cold fear drenching your skin in a cold sweat. Wake up. Wake up. WAKE- it was too late. You had nearly forced yourself awake, but it was all in vain. You drifted back into sleep.
  Everything was quiet. Every once in a while, you felt something touch you. Sometimes you were carried. Sometimes there were voices. Wood floors and stone tiles. Sandy ground. Then the splash of water. What the hell..


You woke up with your head spinning as warm gold light hit your eyes. You heard whispers around you as your eyes focused. It was the upper class slave quarters. You had previously worked in a sandstone quarry in hellish conditions. But this was the upper class quarters, where cleaning ladies and personal servants lived. That meant.. you've been in Egypt the whole time. And not only that, but there was a hidden portal of sorts to some strange advanced society..
  You looked down to see you had been cleaned and your outfit had been changed again.

An: This is the outfit. Like before, replace purple with whatever your favorite color is :)

 Like before, replace purple with whatever your favorite color is :)

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An 2: This is Amariahs outfit, to make things easier

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An 2: This is Amariahs outfit, to make things easier.

An 2: This is Amariahs outfit, to make things easier

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This was much nicer than your outfit from before. There were several girls and boys dressed in pretty outfits. You'd always thought about how great they had it. Always so pretty. They were healthy, tan, and beautiful. Even the men had eye make up and were decorated to their masters liking.
  You stood, wobbling a bit. You were disoriented. But it wore off. Several girls surrounded you. They were curious about there new addition. "Wow, you're so cute! You have a gorgeous face. What's your name??" Asked one of them. You felt a little overwhelmed. "I'm (Y/N)-" you were cut off by the gasps of the girls. A girl about 11 years old. "Wow you're (Y/N)?? How'd you escape??" She asked. "Yeah, everybody knows about you and your friend!" Said another. You were so confused. "Where is Amariah?" You asked. "She was assigned to clean the floors in the main hall." said one of the girls said. Ok, so that definitely sounds better than the mines. "Would it be ok if I helped her?" You asked. They nodded. So you left to find her.


You wandered the tile floors. You sighed, taking a deep breath of desert air. You admired the beauty of the polished sandstone palace. Every design etched into the stone with unimaginable intrecacy. Hieroglyphics lined the walls and columns. You heard the sound of soft humming down the hall. So you followed. you stepped out into a beautiful hall. The walls were gone. It was a slab of pristine tiles surrounded by columns. Between colomns extended a desert expanse that made you cringe. You knew how bad it was out there.
  In the middle of the floor, dressed in a pretty white outfit, similar to yours, was amariah. You smiled. She's safe. She looked up from scrubbing tile. "(Y/N)! Thank goodness you're ok!" She squeaked, getting up and hugging you. You quickly hugged back smiling. "Hey, im so glad you're ok! where are Yami and the other guy?" You asked. Her face fell a bit. "Pharoh is in the dungeon. Priest Seto is being controlled by Ishuya." She said. Ishuya, your master. She was taking over. You remembered. "Thats bad.. what about Stellara or Solaris?" You asked. "They escaped in the raid. But it's because they couldnt let the balance be tipped any further." Ami said. "Thats good. At least we have each other." you said.
  The discussion was interupted by one of the hooded wizard guards. "You there! Stop fraternizing and get back to work!" He yelled, causing you both to flinch. You took a rag from the water bucket and began helping clean the tiles. Amariah got down next to you and you both did as comanded. But that did not apease his angry micromanagement. He kicked the bucket over. "You missed a spot." he spat, as the filthy soap water dirtied the floor. Amariah quickly saved the rest of the water. You were seeing red. It took all you had not to dump the remaining water on him. But he left. And so you sighed and let it go. ".. there is more than this. We are going to stop her. And were going to show everyone in the mines and in the slave quarters that there is life outside the palace." You said. You two worked onward in silence while your thoughts floated through your head. Like the bubbles on the tiles.

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