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Copyright © 2024 Axsen

All Rights Reserved

The contents of this book are owned by Axsen aka Alpa Meherkar. No part of the book shall be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever, as it may lead to violation of intellectual property, which is illegal. 

I am simply putting this here, because I don't want anyone using my ideas or story in anyway. There have been many fraudulent sites that use stories of other writers to make money. Or even use the idea to recreate story with different character names. Which is abuse of creativity.

My story is available here for you guys to read, and I am not gaining any financial gain through this. I only expect to be credited for my own work. Which is free for everyone to read here.

Please immediately report such scammers if you see work of any innocent writer or artist being used.

Copyright © 2024 Axsen

All Rights Reserved

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