Chapter 5

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It was sophomore year already. A lot changed since I have been at Pregeuyton.

Venessa and Andrew are now official. 

Andrew rented a new apartment of his own using the savings from his side job. Meaning Venessa would spend most of her time at his apartment. Plus, she started an internship from home. So, she doesn't work at the ice cream shop anymore.

As she is mostly at his apartment, and her work is remote, Venessa told me I was free to bring any friends or guy over. Which was nice of her. But there was no guy. And for my other friends, they now have boyfriends of their own.

We didn't even get to hang out much like before. These boys would just come, and steal their girlfriends. Plus, they too were doing internships.

Mom told me not to do any internship. Why? I have no idea. I remember her words the day before I left for Pregeuyton.

"Honey, no one should know who you are... No one should know that you are daughter of Darren Housden... Remember..."

On questioning further, mom dismissed me. Reasoning she will tell me someday. 

So, apart from Venessa. No soul here knew who I really was. Not even my girls, and not even Andrew.

I was working at the shop as usual. And spotted Eva, Audrey, and Wendy enter the shop. They would regularly visit here to meet me. Fortunately, Eva went back to her natural straight dark hair. Which suits her more.

Eva reached me first, and grunted out of frustration, "If you are wondering where Ari is... She is outside with Vic..."

Instantly, I spotted Aria smashing Victor against the glass window. Grasping hold of his brown hair. Making out passionately. Not caring about the world. 

I chuckled, and turned back to Eva.

"Hey, Lee..." Audrey and Wendy greeted together, joining Eva.

I started scooping up their ice creams. Already aware of their preferred flavors.

"And scoop theirs in a cone... They will be leaving right away..." Audrey informed, irked by them.

At the same time, the couple joined us. Aria waved at me, and I handled her the cone. Victor beamed back, and passed his credit card to pay their bills. Then the love birds walked out. Giving us girls an opportunity to gossip.

I excused myself from work, so we four could have a chat.

"I miss Harry..." Audrey pouted.

"Oh jeez... chill..." Wendy argued, "It's not like he has been away for days... He is with his friends..."

Eva butted in, with an alternate subject, "Jay told me... Your guys are invited you to the party?"

"What party?" I questioned.

"Ryan's party..." Wendy gushed, all thrilled.

"Yeah... This time Harry and Henry asked Ryan to let us get an invite." Audrey added.

Earlier only Aria and Eva got to attend Ryan's party, as he invited them. That is where they met Victor and Jeremy. Yes, the same Jeremy who I met during orientation.

Ryan's party were well known around the campus. And people would feel fortunate to even get an invite.

"Apparently, this time Ryan is inviting everyone at the party..." Eva muttered in a low tone.

"Really? I never got an invite." I announced.

Audrey shrugged, "So what... you can just come with us."

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