Chapter 37

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Leona dissipated out of my view in despair. Humiliated for telling the truth. Or half truth, I guess.

The boys continued to snicker on the current incident. Labelling Leona as another attention seeking bitch. I felt like a traitor.

Ryan is my best friend. We have been partners in crime like forever. Even if anyone of us has wronged, we never left each other's side. And today, I did the same. I stuck by my dickhead best friend while he continued to culminate Leona between our huddle.

I could no longer join into cracking jokes about Leona.

"What did she give you?" James directed his browns on Ryan.

"Just some crap..." Ryan mutters, propping out the promise ring he gifted Leona. And throws it between the bushes as if it didn't matter to him at all.

Diving back to the house I spotted Ryan clinging himself to Robin, making out with her.

My guilt reached its peak.

So, I was wrong. I was so sure that Ryan was starting to develop feelings for Leona. 

He used to get jealous when Leona talked to me more than him. If Leona mentions any other guy, he would become uneasy. And for a period, he avoided partying just to spend time with Leona.

Yes, he rarely went out with her. He hid her from everyone. But I was positive he was in falling for her.

He would like to be cuddled up beside her. Constantly look at her, admiringly. Sometimes would start playing with her hairs. Everything was more than just sex.

However, when I pointed it out, he suddenly stopped. And started distancing Leona.

I accept I scared him, and should have kept my mouth shut. But then I thought, he will realize his feelings somehow. And confess it to Leona.

Never thought Robin will be back into the picture, and everything would take such a toll.

I know, Ryan is a bitch. And would do anything to prove himself right. But why did Leona pulled an asshole move?

This bugged me from moment she left here.

Why did she use a pregnancy bait on Ryan?

If she just wanted to talk to Ryan about the end of their arrangement, she could have just casually walked in between us. And chatted along with either Victor or Henry. Or even me.

And she already knew about Robin since her friends have been updating her about our trip.

This makes me think if Leona just wanted to cause a tantrum to make Robin end things Ryan again. Even Ryan pointed somethings about Leona which sounded fishy.

She doesn't mention a lot about her family. Just that she is from Verd Hill, and how life there is. For a small town like Verd Hill, it is easy for people to know each other aroundlocality. And easy to make friends. Yet, Leona was all alone.

Even when she visited Verd Hill, she would always mention taking a drive to the mountains. Like don't she have any friends to meet?

She only had that one friend, with that weird boyfriend. Who was dealing with some family issue. And then that friend barely contacted her.

Here at UPreg, she was always relying on her girl friends or me or Ryan to have fun. If we all were not available, she would just stay home rather than going out with other people.

After she saw Ryan fucking a girl, she should have known that she was free to explore and date others. Yet, she decided to stay. Somehow expecting Ryan to give in. Which sounds persuasive.

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