Chapter 26

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On the way here, Ryan started rumbling something and giving out light chuckles. But he was not fully conscious then.

However, as we reached his apartment building, he was awake. But still under the influence.

Putting on the breaks, I left a weak grunt at my misfortune, and grabbed my stuff. Checking if I was at the right parking spot, I went out of the car. Then walked to the backseat to get Ryan.

"Ryan..." I called with frustration, "Let's go..."

Ryan furrowed his brows, and shuttered out innocently, "R-Ryan? It... It's like... calling... calling you... Leona!"

I scoffed, and observed him form a pout. Acting like a child.

"Oh... Come on, Ryan... Stop making a fuss!" I demanded.

He continued with his act.

"Why... Why are you calling me... Ryan? Lea..."

"Because that's your name!" I almost screeched with gritted teeth.

"I-I thought... I am Mr. Lion..." He stated and gazed at me with a spark in his blues. "You call me that... Lea..."

How come he have an audacity to act like this? After dancing lewdly with those girls, and hiding about his previous relationship?

But I still need to put him safe at his apartment. And will have to bear his nonsense until then.

Defeated, I groaned, "Fine!"

Then maintaining my posture, I exhaled, forcing a smile. And put in a sweet voice.

"Mr. Lion... Please come out... Let's go home together..."

To which he smiles, and jumps out of the car. But stumbles upon me. Hardly able to stand on his twos.

"Just grab these for me..." I told, handling him my handbag and phone.

Providing support, I helped him to the lobby of his apartment building.

Ryan is very big and heavy for me, so it was difficult to even get into the elevator. All the while the elevator made it to the 20th floor, he remained exerting his weight over me.

When we finally reached the door, I unlocked the apartment with the key Nathan gave me. And Ryan placed my stuff beside the pebble bowl.

Then lowly murmured, "I-I want to lay down..."

"Okay..." I said, and started to the couch. When he interrupted.

"On... the bed..."

Giving him a stagnant glance, I turned around. Leading us to their spare room.

It was hard to keep my thoughts clear. I don't know what I can possibly do in this situation. I don't know about Ryan. But I am in love with him. And wanted him to treat me like every other guy treats his girl.

I was expecting him to reciprocate my feelings one day. And he almost did by presenting me a ring. Or at least that is what I thought.

But now, I know that he is not someone who is afraid of commitments. Ryan has been in love before. With that girl, Robin. And managed to keep this from me. When all this time I thought we were being open with each other.

If he hid about Robin from me, what else has he kept from me? Does it mean that I really don't know anything about Ryan?

Lost in my speculations, I grabbed the knob, twisting it to open the door.

"Why... Why... are you... enter-entering this room?" Ryan babbled again in a whiny voice.

Further he pressed his body over me still not able to support himself. Making it impossible for me to hold him.

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